Hi Jacques,

Please follow the following steps to regenerate the issue:
* Go to https://demo-stable.ofbiz.apache.org:8443/catalog/control/EditProductContent?productId=GZ-1000 * In "Create New Product Content" form, select "Image Alt Text - Detail" for "Product Content Type Id" and hit "Prepare Create"submit button. * As the user wants to add "alt text" for the "detail image", he would expect a text box, but he is presented with a file browse button.


Thanks&  Regards
Atul Vani
Enterprise Software Developer
HotWax Media Pvt. Ltd.
We are the Global Leaders in Apache OFBiz, Google 'ofbiz' and see for yourself.

On 05/13/2012 02:21 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
From: "Atul Vani" <atul.v...@hotwaxmedia.com>
Hello All,

When I try to add product content for any image's caption, what I get is a file upload form field. Last time I checked, as I recall, the logic was something similar to string comparison on ProductContentTypeId, for '_IMAGE'. Apart from reporting a bug in the trunk and the stable release, I would like to say that I really don't like the design.

Hi Atul

You mean there is a bug? Where? Could you explain more? It's not quite clear to me.


The quickest solution that I can think of, though it may not be as good (I am not sure), is to add a new field in the ProductContentType entity. Say 'isFile', this would be similar to the 'hasTable' field, and will allow easier extendibility to those who want custom ProductContentType. Opinions?

Thanks&  Regards
Atul Vani
Enterprise Software Developer
HotWax Media Pvt. Ltd.
We are the Global Leaders in Apache OFBiz, Google 'ofbiz' and see for yourself.

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