On 05/27/2012 07:09 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
From: "Adrian Crum" <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com>
FYI, in the Mini-language overhaul I interned the Element tag name

Yes, that's really a good improvment! Things are much more clear now.
It's only in minilang though (I mean not in widgets actions yet), right?

Another thing to discuss is the proper use of Javolution and/or
whether we still need it.

Yes, I also wondered about that last week when willing to cast to a
The fact that it's a one man project and will maybe less and less
supported http://javolution.org/#HISTORY is not yet an issue but could be

I personally see no need for javolution. It's non-standard concurrency(java.util.concurrent). It does it's own memory allocation, which prevents escape-analysis from working(allocating memory on the stack instead of the heap).

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