No worries. I appreciate your review.

Btw, I'm currently working on getting Mini-language unit tests started. I will be making an initial commit that will contain only a few tests, but at least it's a start and we can build them out over time.


On 7/3/2012 12:51 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
Please ignore, I was completely wrong :-)


On 3/07/2012, at 11:37 PM, Scott Gray wrote:

Hi Adrian,

Not sure if this is the best place for it but I noticed today that call-service 
handles service errors a bit differently from the service engine itself.

In ServiceDispatcher.runSync(), the service returned an error if:

but in CallService the result is treated as an error if:
(result.containsKey(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE)) || 

The problem here is that it seems common for services returning failure to use 
the error message map keys for the failure message.  This means that execution 
halts in minilang when a failure is returned even though the purpose of the 
failure response is to allow processing to continue.


On 3/07/2012, at 2:44 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

The Mini-language Reference has reached the final draft status - with the 
exception of the Map Processor section. I am running out of time to work on the 
overhaul, so I am skipping that section for now.

Please take some time to review the document. If there are no objections to the new 
grammar, I will remove all of the yellow "draft status" notes next weekend.

The overhauled source code is fairly complete. I will spend the next few days 
working on the JavaDocs and then I will be done with the trunk updates.

If everything looks okay, I will back-port the overhaul to the Release 12 
branch. The overhaul includes some enhancements, but most of it is bug fixes 
and code cleanups - so I hope there will be no objections to porting the 
overhaul in its entirety.

Keep in mind none of this is set in stone - everyone is welcome to make changes.


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