On Jul 7, 2012, at 1:55 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> You are certainly right and I agree with your point. But this should not be a 
> way for committers to escape their responsabilities.
> I think the truth is in the middle. I think that that some committers are not 
> doing their (volunteers) job for too long.  I see that
> few contributors are doing much than most committers. Some contributions are 
> really good and fix neglected issues being there for
> long. So this situation put the burden on the shoulders of few committers. 
> Some begin to loose the faith (ie less activity) and if
> this situation continues the project will loose its momentum. Also this 
> situation does not help preventing what you are
> stigmatizing...
> Being a committer means some responsability. 
> http://www.apache.org/dev/committers.html#committer-responsibilities
> It's easy to check 
> http://svnsearch.org/svnsearch/repos/ASF/search?path=%2Fofbiz
> I don't think the list of committers 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/Apache+OFBiz+PMC+Members+and+Committers
>  is
> in stone...

In fact it isn't... but at the moment the fact that there are dormant 
committers doesn't worry me much: we can't enforce people to work for the 
community and so this is out of our control.
Revoking commit rights could be considered as a cleanup task but as a very low 
priority: inactive committers are not doing any harm and having them in at 
least adds some possibility for a comeback.
The real problem is finding capable new committers and we all know it is not 
easy; the proposal I have in mind (I will send it in a separate email) may help 
in lowering the entry bar by asking (new or old) committers to limit their 
commits to specific areas of the project.


> I want to remind here that it's the PMC responsability to propose active and 
> effective contributors to become committers.
> Note that I'm only concerned by the project good health, nothing else.
> Jacques
> From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <jacopo.cappell...@hotwaxmedia.com>
>> Interesting report... but there are chances that the way I read it is 
>> different from yours: this report tells me that we have
>> introduced too many bugs or bad designs in the system and that a more 
>> careful commit strategy with shared reviews and discussions
>> about best ways to fix things (rather than accepting the patches as they are 
>> contributed) would decrease, in the medium term, the
>> distance.
>> We also need to mark as won't fix several tickets that are either incomplete 
>> or address too specific use cases (without really
>> improving the system as a whole).
>> Jacopo
>> On Jul 7, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> This one should work for everyone, even not Jira logged in
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?projectOrFilterId=filter-12321573&periodName=daily&daysprevious=90&cumulative=true&versionLabels=major&selectedProjectId=12310500&reportKey=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.reports%3Acreatedvsresolved-report&Next=Next
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <jacopo.cappell...@hotwaxmedia.com>
>>>> Hmmm.. I can't see the filter
>>>> Jacopo
>>>> On Jul 7, 2012, at 10:39 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>> I don't know if other committersd follow this indicator. Personally it 
>>>>> begins to worry me a bit. It's based on one off my
>>>>> shared filter ("OFBiz All"), I guess everybody with a Jira profile should 
>>>>> get the resut
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?projectOrFilterId=filter-12311047&periodName=daily&daysprevious=90&cumulative=true&versionLabels=major&selectedProjectId=12310500&reportKey=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.reports%3Acreatedvsresolved-report&Next=Next
>>>>> Last big effort was done by Jacopo in Dec., since then it keeps 
>>>>> increasing...
>>>>> Jacques

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