
I'll have to setup a load test to verify that a large number of pending
jobs in the JobSandbox do not saturate the server.  I'll also work with the
thread counts to see what works for us.

Before I read your reply I had configured the service engine to use a
"send-to-pool=poolX"  but did not configure any "run-from-pool" names that
matched "poolX".  I then use the webtools interface to run a service.  The
default pool displayed was "poolX" in the form.  I entered the service name
and executed the service.  The service ran but I didn't expect it to run
because there wasn't a "send-to-pool" with a matching name.  This
functionality seems to disagree with what you said about

"If you don't have a
<run-from-pool name="pool"/>
element somewhere, then jobs sent to the "pool" pool will not be
serviced.", but maybe I am missing something.

        <thread-pool send-to-pool="poolX"
            <run-from-pool name="pool"/>
            <run-from-pool name="testPool"/>
            <run-from-pool name="pool2"/>
            <run-from-pool name="pool3"/>
            <run-from-pool name="pool4"/>

I'll post the results of my load test as soon as it is completed.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:38 AM, <> wrote:

> Quoting Brett Palmer <>:
>  *Adrian,
>> I ported our code over to the newest ofbiz trunk and tried out the changes
>> for the new service engine.  The changes that you made are working very
>> well.  I configured our server to use multiple pools and then scheduled
>> various jobs to those pools.  Servers that were not configured to service
>> the pools left the jobs dormant and servers that were configured to
>> service
>> the new pools did so as expected.
> To be clear, that has always been the behavior of the Job Scheduler. I did
> not change that.
>> These new changes will work for us in our production environment.  Thanks
>> for implementing them.  I now need to work on tuning the configuration
>> settings based on the particular jobs and the capacity of our servers.
> The changes were intended to prevent the Job Scheduler from saturating the
> server under heavy load. So, those are the results I would be interested in
> hearing about.
>> I did have another question on the thread-pool configuration. Here is a
>> sample configuration that I was using to do some of the testing.
>> <thread-pool send-to-pool="pool"
>>                     purge-job-days="4"
>>                     failed-retry-min="3"
>>                     ttl="120000"
>>                     jobs="100"
>>                     min-threads="2"
>>                     max-threads="5"
>>                     wait-millis="1000"
>>                     poll-enabled="true"
>>                     poll-db-millis="30000">
>>            <run-from-pool name="pool"/>
>>            <run-from-pool name="testPool"/>
>>            <run-from-pool name="pool2"/>
>>            <run-from-pool name="pool3"/>
>>            <run-from-pool name="pool4"/>
>>        </thread-pool>
>> Is the “send-to-pool” attribute the default pool that is used by the
>> service engine for any sync and async requests through the service engine
>> API?
> Correct.
>> Is there a relationship between the “send-to-pool” attribute and the
>> “run-from-pool” names or are they independent of each other?  For example,
>> if I don't have a run-from-pool element with a name="pool" will the
>> default
>> "pool" still work?
> They are not related. If you don't have a
> <run-from-pool name="pool"/>
> element somewhere, then jobs sent to the "pool" pool will not be serviced.
>> Thanks again for you work on the service engine.  We really appreciate it.
>> Let me know if you need more feedback on the new changes.
>> Brett*

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