Tom Burns wrote:
> Jacques,
> I think that's about it. Re 7 I would like to keep everything together.
> I assume you will take care of the ASL2 headers.

Yes,  no pb.

> By the way there appears to be a defect in the CMS web site in the content 
> component.
> is 
> delivering un-formatted text in a file with an html type
> (the link promises a PDF file). Could be a browser thing but I don't think 
> so. 

I reproduce in those browsers (FF, Chrome, Opera), curiously IE8 does not 


> The content manager dataresource Object Info is 
> "applications/content/template/docbook/fo/docbook.xsl". This problem preceded 
> the
> update to the docbook folder. 
> I'm not sure how the link in Object Info is used in transformation by the CMS 
> web app. If we get it working we could add the help
> docbook files to the CMS to demonstrate alternate help deployments like
> Can you confirm the problem (not a browser problem) and I will open a defect 
> in jira.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> ________________________________
>  From: Jacques Le Roux <>
> To:; Tom Burns <>
> Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:30 AM
> Subject: Re: OFBIZ-4941
> Thanks Tom,
> You don't have to apologize, this is a great post which explains/clarifies 
> the situation.
> To summarize/rephrase (to be sure I understood Tom's explanations):
> Some committers would prefer to have a new specialpurpose help component 
> instead of embedding in content. The idea is to prevent
> dependencies of the content component on other applications (or even 
> framework) components. 
> This is a late requirement from Tom's perspective, since Docbook is already 
> in the content component, and Webhelp is (a new) part
> of Docbook. 
> Also keeping Docbook in the content component could have some interested. 
> Notably to use content management for help data.
> Actually there are 2 different things. We theoritically can keep Webhelp in 
> content under Docbook (its right place) and have a
> help component for the help data themselves. But from point 7 below this 
> would need (much, Tom?) more work. 
> If ever we go this way, we need a clear design before changing things 
> again...!
> Overriding in hot-deploy is not an issue either in content or (new) help 
> component, but would need more work (to extend
> create-component target) 
> Last but not least, if I have well understood, Tom used the previous help 
> data to (partially for now) build the new help. The new
> help (will totally) replace/s the old data and have no dependencies on them. 
> BTW Tom: all the xml files under 
> applications\content\data\helpdata\docbookhelp miss the ASL2 header...
> Jacques
> Tom Burns wrote:
>> I apologize for the going on at length here but...
>> The first proposal in 4941 was to use Java Help and the POC
>> was in hot deploy so content manager was not the first choice for deployment.
>> Content manager became the home for the solution through this line of 
>> thinking.
>> 1. DocBook is the preferred format for OFBiz help.
>> 2. The current system did not provide good support for
>> DocBook transformation.
>> 3. DocBook xsl is the standard for DocBook transformations.
>> 4. The license friendly webhelp component is a good solution
>> for providing context sensitive help for OFBiz using DocBook xsl.
>> 5. DocBook xsl was already in the OFBiz content component but
>> did not have the webhelp component.
>> 6. There was no compelling reason to create a new component
>> for help and have duplicate instances of DocBook xsl. Also the assumption is
>> that DocBook xsl was being used by the content component and so backward
>> compatibility needed to be considered.
>> 7. DocBook xsl is complex. The path of least resistance was
>> to extend the example webhelp inside the webhelp component folder. >From 
>> that it
>> followed to host the docbook and image files within the content component.
>> I do not have a clear idea of what is being proposed as an
>> alternative deployment or why. The move however would be, as Jacques 
>> describes,
>> relatively simple. If you have a suggestion for an alternate deployment 
>> please
>> provide some additional design details.
>> There appears to be a requirement for developers to override
>> the current help for a custom implementation. All you need to do for that is
>> edit or replace the content in the folders in 
>> component://content/data/helpdata/docbookhelp
>> and re-run the ant task for the component. This is done only one time and can
>> be performed while ofbiz is running.
>> If there is a requirement to keep your help documents in
>> your hot deployed application (separate from the content component) we could
>> extend the create-component ant task to add structure and build logic to
>> support webhelp. I think if that is the requirement it should be an 
>> improvement
>> in a separate Jira issue. In my mind it would be a lower priority then 
>> working
>> on improving the quality of the content in the help documents.
>> One last note (we all hope). Currently the solution does not
>> use the content management system however I can see adding the docbook
>> documents under docbookhelp as resources and having the content entity drive 
>> PDF
>> output using fop and the docbook fo. I think that using the resources of the
>> DocBook xsl in content manager is a good argument for leaving it where it is.
>> Again, I apologize for the length of these posts.
>> Tom
>> ________________________________
>> From: Jacques Le Roux <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 3:22 AM
>> Subject: Re: OFBIZ-4941
>> FYI: I have attached a new patch with few changes in
>> applications/content/template/docbook/webhelp/LICENSE
>> at
>> Jacques
>> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
>>> From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <>
>>>> On Nov 10, 2012, at 8:51 PM, Tom wrote:
>>>>> C) All the help was placed in the content component because it was the 
>>>>> home
>>>>> for a subset of the docbook xls distribution. It made sense to replace 
>>>>> that
>>>>> code with the latest implementation and keep everything in one place 
>>>>> rather
>>>>> then do something in special purpose or hot deploy with a duplicate xls
>>>>> code. It also makes sense since help is content and not an application. I 
>>>>> do
>>>>> not see how moving the content to the application will make it 
>>>>> independent.
>>>>> Are you going to duplicate the docbook distribution in each application?
>>>> I am talking about the content of help pages for the applications, this 
>>>> should go out of the "content" component (imo it should
>>>> be an hot-deploy component that can be added to add help pages at runtime).
>>>> Jacopo
>>> I'm most inclidned to Anil's proposition in Jira
>>> Abstract:
>>> New specialpurpose (to keep OOTB) help component with Docbook inside. I 
>>> don't think we need any of content component, Tom?
>>> With this new help component it's more logical to keep in the content of 
>>> current applications\content\data\helpdata\docbookhelp.
>>> So it seems to be "just" about moving
>>> 1.
>>> applications\content\data\helpdata\docbookhelp
>>> and
>>> applications\content\template\docbook
>>> 2. Adapt the build script (not sure much is needed)
>>> applications/content/template/docbook/webhelp/
>>> applications/content/template/docbook/webhelp/build.xml
>>> What's more Tom?
>>> License:
>>> Jacopo, as I said, I already checked the license
>>> So we will only to add a line in LICENSE for
>>> current applications/content/template/docbook/webhelp/*
>>> and a section in NOTICE with the speficic
>>> <<Any stylesheet derived from this Software that is publicly distributed 
>>> will be identified with a different name and the
>>> version strings in any derived Software will be changed so that no 
>>> possibility of confusion between the derived package and this
>>> Software will exist.>> Tom, I have also changed the content of 
>>> template/docbook/webhelp/LICENSE to <<See
>>> template/docbook/webhelp/docs/content/index.html>> to make things more 
>>> obvious, to be adapted when moved maybe.
>>> It seems we are near an agreement with as mich as possible changes for Tom 
>>> :)
>>> Jacques

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