Hi all,

now that all the steps needed to release the 11.04.01 release are completed, I 
am providing a short summary of the OFBiz Release roadmap.
The last two months have been quite busy for the OFBiz project and we have been 
able to release 3 (!!!) products:

Apache OFBiz 10.04.03 - bug fix release with several bug fixes and some 
important fix for vulnerabilities
Apache OFBiz 10.04.04 - bug fix release with a new version of Tomcat
Apache OFBiz 11.04.01 - this is an important milestone for the OFBiz project 
because we have finally released all the features up to April 2011

According to our tentative release schedule (available 
http://ofbiz.apache.org/download.html) we can now relax (at least on the 
release management, unless new vulnerabilities are discovered) for a few 
months; here are the next upcoming ones:

February 2013 - Apache OFBiz 12.04.01
March 2013 - Apache OFBiz 11.04.02
April 2013 - Apache OFBiz 10.04.05 (last release of the 10.04 series)
September 2013 - Apache OFBiz 11.04.03

And of course in April 2013 we will create the new release branch for the 13.04 

Keep up the good work, and please consider that, even if only the Committers' 
votes are binding, everyone is invited to test and vote the new releases: in 
the ASF world releases are actually the most important part of a community's 
work because it is when the community officially publishes all its hard work 
done to the public.

Kind regards,


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