Hi All,

This is a personal question not specifically related to OFBiz nor any projects, 
just curious (and refreshing ;o)

I'm seeking opinion about "one line" vs "multi lines w/t brackets" vs "multi 
lines w/out brackets" for "if" and "for" expressions

I mean 

I personally prefer something like

if (expres) action


if (expres) {


if (expres)

The reason is that IMO it prevents 
1) to type useless brackets (with a French keyboard for instance brackets are 
not easy)
2) when you have no brackets there are less risks to confuse, and wrongly add 
lines below action "thinking" they will be part of the action

Of course if the expression in action is long that's another story. 
And then I still prefer to put brackets to be sure (but I'm a lot tempted to 
not put them ;o)

Your opinions?



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