On Dec 7, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> Hi All,
> This is a personal question not specifically related to OFBiz nor any 
> projects, just curious (and refreshing ;o)
> I'm seeking opinion about "one line" vs "multi lines w/t brackets" vs "multi 
> lines w/out brackets" for "if" and "for" expressions
> I mean 
> I personally prefer something like
> if (expres) action
> than
> if (expres) {
>    action
> }
> or 
> if (expres)
>    action
> The reason is that IMO it prevents 
> 1) to type useless brackets (with a French keyboard for instance brackets are 
> not easy)
> 2) when you have no brackets there are less risks to confuse, and wrongly add 
> lines below action "thinking" they will be part of the action
> Of course if the expression in action is long that's another story. 
> And then I still prefer to put brackets to be sure (but I'm a lot tempted to 
> not put them ;o)
> Your opinions?

My preference is:

if (expression) {

but also, especially if it adds readability, and when expression and action are 
short, the following is acceptable:

if (expression) action

On the other hand:

if (expression)

should be avoided for the reasons you have mentioned.

My 2 cents.


> Thanks
> Jacques

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