Very clear and efficient

Le 07/01/2013 09:20, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
Let's see if we can move on the slim-down effort in this direction; here is a 
slightly more detailed proposal:

* svn layout of the project will stay as is now: 
framework+applications+specialpupose; if you checkout the trunk you will get 
everything as it is now
* however all the specialpupose components will be disabled by default; 
building the project will not build them, running tests will not run the tests 
on them etc...
* we will provide easy mechanisms (ant scripts/settings or similar) to enable 
specialpurpose components; in this way developers interested in testing/working 
on some specialpurpose components will have an easy way to do this
* the official releases (and release branches) will not contain the 
specialpurpose folder
* we could release specialpurpose components separately ("OFBiz Extra 1.0", 2.0, 3.0 etc...) if 
there is interest; we could even release individual components if there is interest ("OFBiz Extra - POS 
1.0", "OFBiz Extra - Birt 1.0")
* key point: it will be acceptable to commit code to improve OFBiz even if it 
breaks some of the specialpurpose components: e.g. API changes, jar updates 
(duplicated of jars in some specialpurpose components) etc...
maybe it will be necessary in future to decide how to process when a component in specialpurpose has junit and selenium test for all functions

The last point is the most important because with it we will reach some 
important goals that could alleviate the tension/conflicts we had in the past 
while discussing topics about what should go in OFBiz and what not:
a) committers will have a core set of common, generic and more frequently used 
components (framework/applications) to focus on; it will be easier to maintain 
a smaller codebase and this will speed up the evolution of OFBiz; it will also 
remove a lot of burden in the release management because we will have less 
external dependencies to look for for vulnerability reports; for example, if a 
vulnerability report is reported by the Birt community, and we are distributing 
the Birt jars in our releases, in the current situation we would be forced to 
issue a new release (as a side note, I am not even sure if we are keeping an 
eye on vulnerability reports from all the projects we have pulled jars from)
b) committers interested in keeping up-to-date some of the specialpurpose 
components could easily update the code and commit it; over time we will see 
what are the specialpurpose components that are actively maintained (and we 
could issue releases for them) and what are the components that are not (and we 
could discuss if it is worth of keeping them in the trunk or not, but they will 
not cause any major issues even if they stay there)

Some clarifications:
* we may want to review over time the list of components currently under 
specialpurpose; if there is a general consensus in the direction of keeping a 
few of them in the releases then we could keep them enabled and include them in 
* we will have to change something in the way we build the classpath in ant in 
order to include jars and build the component only if the component is enabled; 
it should not be difficult to achieve but this is important because it will 
allow us to have potentially conflicting jars in the framework/applications and 

As a roadmap, we could try to implement this approach before the next cut of 
the 13.04 release branch (in April 2013): that branch could be the first one 
without the specialpurpose components.

What do you think?
Completely agree
even if I would have liked a little note on the notion addon (smaller than a component) :-)


On Dec 31, 2012, at 11:39 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Yes thanks!


From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <>
On Dec 16, 2012, at 9:07 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I even wonder if Jacopo did not make a more recent (and flexible) proposition 
with which I totaly agreed (during fall, it seems to me but, I can't find it), 
Do you mean the following?

BTW, some time ago I also proposed an alternative path: see email with subject 
"[PROPOSAL] from specialpurpose to extras": to that I can add that we could 
provide two set of ant scripts, one similar to the one we have that builds/tests 
everything (framework+applications+specialpurpose) and one (the default) that only 
builds/tests the framework+applications; the release branches may only contain the 
framework+applications and separate releases of specialpurpose applications could be 
voted/released at different time. This approach may reach two goals:
1) slim down the "main" code that the community is more focused to 
2) keep under the OFBiz community the ownership of all the other specialpurpose 
components; if one of them will get more attention and interest and could grow 
in quality or it is generic enough we could decide to move it to the release 
branch (maybe move it to applications)


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