From: "Adrian Crum" <>
> There was no need to change the Metrics code. If you don't want 
> smoothing, then just set the smoothing factor to 1. This is explained in 
> the schema.

Yes I tried that. But it did not work for my need. See where I put the 
requestMap.metrics.recordRequestRate() call.
And since I wanted to check a lot of requests I did not want to add the burden 
of putting smoothing="1" on each
Also I did not need a moving average, so I put the simplest code you would 
want. It can be still overriden if needed...

It's now all about documenting the feature I believe


> Also, please don't put request-specific code in Metrics - that breaks 
> the abstraction.
> -Adrian
> On 5/17/2013 3:30 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Hi Adrian,
>> At r1483822  I have improved it a bit for requests. I was more interested in 
>> chained ones, it works for all. It's a new colums in Metrics page which 
>> measure the request event duration. Just thinking I did not use the
>> I wonder if the use of recordServiceRate() in doRequest() makes sense. Let 
>> me know if you think we should adapt it for the threshold functionnality 
>> using the event duration of it's it fine as is.
>> Also let me know if you want me to create the wiki page when we will be done.
>> Cheers
>> Jacques
>> From: "Adrian Crum" <>
>>> Anything you can do to improve the implementation will be appreciated.
>>> Sorry I haven't had more time to document it.
>>> -Adrian
>>> On 4/19/2013 12:01 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>> OK, I guess the smoothing factor explains the tiny differences for services
>>>> But for chained requests it makes no sense.
>>>> The metrics report ten more than in log.
>>>> I will have a look because it's a fine tool for chained requests duration 
>>>> which are not availabe in the stats feature
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Jacques
>>>> Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> Keep in mind the metrics provide a moving average. Also, there is a
>>>>> smoothing factor that can affect the value.
>>>>> The smoothing factor is important. Let's say you are using a monitoring
>>>>> tool to monitor a particular request. If that request has a very brief
>>>>> increase in response time, you don't want to be alerted. Instead, you
>>>>> want to know when the increase in response time is sustained over a
>>>>> period of time. So, the smoothing factor helps prevent "false positives"
>>>>> in a way.
>>>>> Another scenario: You have an eCommerce site and you put a metric on the
>>>>> store's landing page and you configure it with a threshold value and an
>>>>> alternate view - one that doesn't include a shopping cart. Normally,
>>>>> customers land on the normal page that includes a shopping cart. But a
>>>>> new promotion causes customers to swamp the server and the shopping
>>>>> experience degrades. The metric will smooth the response time values so
>>>>> the alternate (non-shopping cart) landing page is not offered too soon.
>>>>> But if the server is swamped for an extended period, then new visitors
>>>>> will get the alternate page and be able to browse the site without being
>>>>> able to order anything. As the request load decreases, the metric will
>>>>> smooth the response times so the alternate landing page is not removed
>>>>> too soon. When the landing page response time drops below the configured
>>>>> threshold, all visitors will receive the normal shopping experience.
>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>> On 4/19/2013 10:53 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>> Actually  r1361725 was also needed for services metrics to work.
>>>>>> For services I get slightly higher results than in log.
>>>>>> It's more consistent than for chained requests which are plain false.
>>>>>> I did not get a chance to look at code yet...
>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
>>>>>>>> Thanks Adrian,
>>>>>>>> Yes I saw the threshold idea in Java comments
>>>>>>>> Looks like an interesting tool
>>>>>>>> BTW for the other statistics (I never used it), do you know if chained 
>>>>>>>> requests are taken into account?
>>>>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>>>>>> I can answer now that chained requests are not taken into account by 
>>>>>>> the Statistics feature.
>>>>>>> I also noticed something weird in Metrics feature. The total duration 
>>>>>>> of the chained requests and the duration of the initial
>>>>>>> calling request don't match And when I compare durations in log with 
>>>>>>> those in Metrics I find those in metrics much higher in
>>>>>>> some cases, and always higher.
>>>>>>> Do I misinterpret them? Did you use/check this feature for chained 
>>>>>>> requests?
>>>>>>> Maybe I should wait your wiki page?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>> Still, can you confirm only if 1361722 and 1361724 the only commits? I 
>>>>>>>> guess there is no Jira?
>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>> From: "Adrian Crum" <>
>>>>>>>>> I will create a Wiki page this weekend.
>>>>>>>>> The metric name can be anything - the example has a URL: prefix to 
>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>> distinguish request metrics from service metrics. You can put anything
>>>>>>>>> you want there.
>>>>>>>>> The request-map can have an additional <response> element - which will
>>>>>>>>> direct the servlet to an alternate view if the metric crosses a
>>>>>>>>> threshold. I think the JavaDocs explain that.
>>>>>>>>> The basic idea is to put metrics in places where you anticipate heavy
>>>>>>>>> loads or bottlenecks, then use a third-party reporting/monitoring tool
>>>>>>>>> to read the metrics.
>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>> On 4/11/2013 8:36 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Atul,
>>>>>>>>>> So you mean you simply need to put a token (like webapp name) before 
>>>>>>>>>> the request name in this metric name? Did you try it
>>>>>>>>>> with another request?
>>>>>>>>>> I see it works on trunk demo and OOTB locally. But I can't get it to 
>>>>>>>>>> work on a custom app I have patched, so maybe I miss
>>>>>>>>>> something I will wait Adrian's answer about that
>>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>>> From: "Atul Vani" <>
>>>>>>>>>>> I think that's just the name, to recognize it among list of several
>>>>>>>>>>> others, when there will be lots of them. A certain convention is 
>>>>>>>>>>> used to
>>>>>>>>>>> specify that it is for URL or any service. Then again same names 
>>>>>>>>>>> request
>>>>>>>>>>> mappings can exist in separate webapps, so a leading appname, in 
>>>>>>>>>>> this case
>>>>>>>>>>> 'webtools'. It can be changed to anything.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 00:47:26 +0530, Jacques Le Roux
>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if you will, else I might do it...
>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW, are 1361722 and 1361724 the only commit? Is there a Jira?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you explain just a bit more the request syntax, sorry but 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the OOTB
>>>>>>>>>>>> example is a bit confusing.
>>>>>>>>>>>> +    <request-map uri="ViewMetrics">
>>>>>>>>>>>> +        <security https="true" auth="true"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>> +        <metric name="URL: webtools/ViewMetrics" /><!-- Here for
>>>>>>>>>>>> demonstration -->
>>>>>>>>>>>> +        <response name="success" type="view" value="ViewMetrics"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>> +    </request-map>
>>>>>>>>>>>> What would it be for another than ViewMetrics?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I mean why "URL: webtools/ViewMetrics"?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Great, thanks Adrian!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe a wiki page using 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would help to remember the commands?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Adrian Crum" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 4/7/2013 6:38 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 4/7/2013 12:11 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Adrian Crum" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you considered using the metrics feature?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ha forgot to ask about it, now I see and remember this thread 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will digg in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Of course, I'd not be against a brief briefing, or a link to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What I mostly miss is where are the metrics in webtools?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oops, I forgot to commit that part. I will take care of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually, I did commit it:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/ViewMetrics
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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