
Christian Carlow commented on OFBIZ-5532:

The second patch supersedes the first.  It includes changes for various issued 
mostly related to production runs.

This patch includes changes for the following issues:

OFBIZ-5532 - Improve production run task declarations to create time entries 
for each declaration
An optional timesheetId field was added to the left side production run task 
declaration form to allow for timeEntries to be created.  

OFBIZ-5548 - Improve production run task declarations to allow for rejected 
by-products from workers to be determined
The TimeEntryInventoryProduced entity was created to build off of the time 
entry functionality provided in OFBIZ-5532.  An optional timeEntryId was added 
to the right production run task declaration form to associate by-product 
inventory to a worker time entriy created from the left form.

OFBIZ-5560 - Production Run Task Issue Components does not take into account 
manual issuances created on the Materials tab
The Production Run material issuance at the top included with the stock-in form 
and the one at the bottom were changed to include quantity fields which are set 
to the remaining issuance quantity (estimatedQuantity - (quantityProduced + 
quantityRejected)) by default.

OFBIZ-5561 - Production Run task quantity produced can be greater than the 
prior task 
The updateProductionRunTask service was changed to check that the prior task 
quantityProduced is not less than the total quantityProduced + quantityRejected 
for the current task declaration.  Logic was also added to handle negative 
quantityProduced so that deductions can only occur when the next task 
quantityProduced + quantityRejected is less than the quantityProduced after 
deduction.  It also prevents negative quantityProduced and quantityRejected 
quantities from being set.

OFBIZ-5563 - Cannot delete production run task materials when only one material 
record exists for first task
The Actual Materials page was changed to provide a single listing of all 
materials rather than separate listings for each task which caused the delete 

OFBIZ-5566 - Production Run Header and tasks quantityProduced incorrect when 
The completing/closing logic was changed so that the task quantities declared 
remain the same rather than being updated to the estimatedQuantity of the 
production run along with issuing materials.  So if a production run is created 
to produce 10 PIZZA and only 1 is declared as produced then when completing or 
closing, the quantityProduced will remain 1 instead of being updated to 10.

OFBIZ-5568 - Add ability to control products that can be declared as inventory 
from a production run 
A ProductVarianceReason entity was created to control the by-products that can 
be declared from the right production run task declaration form.  
ProductVarianceReason serves a similar role as features but describes the 
by-product variations that may be declared for the production run good.  
ProductVarianceReasonType was created to support the entity and includes 
"STANDARD_REASON" and "SELECTABLE_REASON" similar to that of features.  When 
ProductVarianceReasons are created, the right production run task declaration 
form productId field changes to a reason drop down.  If a reason is chosen that 
has never been before then logic triggers the creation of the by-product with 
the reason and type "STANDARD_REASON" set similar to the operations of feature 
variant selection auto-create methods.  The VarianceReason entity was also 
extended to be referenced by the ProductAssoc entity to associate by-products 
automatically created to the production run good.  The productAssocTypeIds 
"BYPRODUCT" and its child "PRODUCT_DEFECT" were created to describe such 
ProductAssoc relationships.  Similarly "VAR_BYPRODUCT" and child "VAR_DEFECT" 
types were added to VarianceReasonType to support by-product variances along 
with "VAR_INVENTORY" to support physical inventory variance relations.

OFBIZ-5569 - Add production run task inspection capabilities using time entry 
A timeEntryId field was added to the left production run task declaration form 
to be used along with the timesheetId field added in OFBIZ-5532 to support 
inspections.  A TimeEntryAssoc entity was created to associate the timeEntryId 
created for the timesheetId entered to the timeEntryId entered.  
TimeEntryAssocType was created like other Assoc entities for TimeEntryAssoc.  
"ROU_INSPECTING" workEffortPurposeType was also added to distinguish between 
actual inspection tasks for future improvements related to inspections.

OFBIZ-5577 - Add ability to control production run task quantity produced 
increases when using stock-in form 
The productionRunTaskId field was added to the the stock-in/issue materials 
form at the top of the production run page to indicate the task to start with 
when increasing quantity produced and is set to the first by default.  If the 
field is set to nothing then no task increases will occur and the stock-in 
quantity will rely on quantity already produced by the last task to increase 
the production run quantity produced.

> Improve production run task declarations to create time entries for each 
> declaration
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: OFBIZ-5532
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5532
>             Project: OFBiz
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: manufacturing
>    Affects Versions: SVN trunk
>            Reporter: Christian Carlow
>         Attachments: OFBIZ-5532.patch, OFBIZ-5532.patch
> Timesheet entries are supposed to be created when produced and rejected 
> quantities are declared for production run tasks.  
> ProductionRunServices.updateProductionRunTask accepts the partyId as a 
> parameter but code that is supposed to use it to create timesheet entries has 
> been commented out.  Rev 910230 shows that the commented code has always 
> existed.  There are also FIXME comments to add quantityProduced, 
> quantityRejected, and setupTime fields to the timesheet entity.
> This functionality is vital for determining which employees are responsible 
> for rejects.

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