Le 11/02/2015 21:14, Ron Wheeler a écrit :
On 11/02/2015 1:56 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Le 09/02/2015 15:10, Ron Wheeler a écrit :
On 09/02/2015 5:21 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Le 06/02/2015 17:27, Ron Wheeler a écrit :

I would like to see more releases with smaller deltas so that the trunk can be a bit more open to work where mistakes are not so critical and cause so much grief since SI's will not feel that they have to fork the trunk to get their customers a working product.

I believe people should rather user the last release branch than forking trunk 
or such

Security bugs need to be fixed, backported to all supported versions and 
released before the exploit becomes public knowledge.

This means that there must be an agile release process if you want end-users to feel comfortable that their core data can be secure while using OFBiz.

What does mean "agile" here for you?
I do not have specific criteria in mind.
If the integrity of OFBiz data or business processes is at risk from a security problem that has been raised in a JIRA, diagnosed, fixed and advertised to the hacker community through the forum and JIRA, it would be a good idea to issue a release and suggest that people upgrade or issue an upgrade that can safely be applied by end-users to their system ASAP.
Waiting for a year to issue a new release is not sufficiently agile and I would 
expect a gradual improvement in the responsiveness over time.
I am not sure how many security patches get issued each year and how they are 
currently identified and tracked by the PMC.

I thought you were not specifically speaking about security problems. Anyway, it's not done that way. Roughly: someone (a white-hat hacker) find an issue in OFBiz and report to the ASF security team http://www.apache.org/security/ (or rarely directly to the PMC, in private ML, so can't be read but by PMC members). The ASF security team then send the information to the PMC. The PMC fixes the issues ASAP. Then this issue is fixed in trunk and backported in all living branches in a shoot, a new release is created and a CVE https://cve.mitre.org/ created. Then the OFBiz Download page is updated
How many security issues have been addressed in the past.

I told you in the last message: look at the Donwload page

Perhaps I am worrying about a case that never comes up.
I have never seen an issue that was sufficiently important to trigger a release 
since I started following the project.

This does not mean releasing things before they are ready.
However once the team decides that a "release" is immutable, it is time to 
start the release process.

Yes of course, that's how it's done. We don't publicize vulnerabilities before 
they are fixed in committed code

This may be a bit paradoxical - the closer to production - the less 
knowledgeable the talent required.

I don't get it
End-user's (system admins, business consultants) can create test scripts, document them, run them, create JIRA issues, try the installation of several operating systems, tweak the installation documentation, create test data.

None of these activities require the skills needed to write new features, patch 


It does reflect that facts that no architectural decisions are being made, few of the steps actually involve code modification and this can be done by the core committers.

Still not

What is the problem with this statement?
Is there some particular concern that I am not addressing?

Actually it's more the goal you try to reach here I can't understand. Also the 
<<few of the steps actually involve code modification and this can be done by the 
core committers. >>
Seems contradictory to me
I was trying to make the point that even if most of the work can be done by people who are not writing code, there may still be some bugs found that require code to fix and the code committers are still going to be available to do this.
The goal is to free up the people committing code by having the rest of us take 
on some of the load involved in getting a release out.

A lot of the work is preparing release notes,

We decided to let Jira does it, based on committers actions in Jira

Still needs to be edited for clarity , inconsistencies and missing items need 
to be detected and fixed.
fixing documentation,

Are we doing that rightly? I doubt

The community can help if the PMC make the decision to work in a way that 
allows this to happen.

Which decisions wouldyou suggest (apart splitting in sub-projects, we have all 
understand it's your pet subject ;) )?
We need to be more pragmatic here...
1) Decide to finish the release with the current set of issues (solved and 
2) Branch an RC.
3) List all of the tasks that need to be done and agree that completion of 
these tasks will result in a new release.
4) Create JIRAs against the tasks with the RC as the version including 
documentation, test configurations,
5) Solicit community involvement to accept assignment to JIRA issues
6) Fix JIRA items that require code changes
7) Vote out the release

testing installation processes,

Buildbot takes care of that

I am not sure that this is true.
You and I found errors in the Wiki the first time I tried to install and run 

You speak about "testing installation processes", this has nothing to do with the wiki. Builbot takes care of the tests for the trunk and the living branches and a bit more (updates and upload Javadoc http://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/site/javadocs/, creates Apache Rat reports http://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/rat-output.html, creates snapshots http://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/snapshots/, copy test results http://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/logs/)

If the instructions in the wiki prevent the product from being deployed, that 
is an installation problem.
So the person trying to use OFBiz, it does not matter why it does not work.

Actually it's more simple than that. It's explained in the Download page and there is 
also a README in the "OFBiz root (folder)"
Maybe we should think otherwise and remove all things in the wiki which might 
not been ALWAYS maintained.
From this conversation I begin to wonder if it's not the right solution. Keep 
the documentation as simple as possible!

How many operating systems and database combinations are tested?

Only Linux and Derby. It's a matter of resources.

The community should be testing the combinations that they care about.
It is their interest to be sure that the new release work for them.

Agreed, not an OFBiz team issue

 What is the range of functionality tested?

All tests present in OFBiz

How is the GUI tested?

That's missing. There was an effort, started by Erwan, but it was abandoned 
when he left the project.

I also tried to taker over another Erwan's effort, but had to give up for now: 

Are there written scripts describing each of the screens and combinations of 
data-entry values that are tested?


 How are the tests maintained.

As well as possible
Of course!

Is this something that the community could do?

Yes the community could help. I'm not sure of the modality. I know for instance 
that the Neogia team is running their tests on Jenkins.

I hope that this discussion is helping move this forward.

updating seed data to demonstrate new features and testing under various 

It's normally done correctly

I hope so but I notice that the Party demo data is pretty minimal and does not 
include basic elements such as Classifications or Postal Addresses.
It has no customers or suppliers which would seem to be pretty important for 
testing an ERP.

Then we (the community) should create Jira issues and if possible attach 
patches to those

Once I have the current ADTransform data loading scripts finished, I will be able to contribute a tool that will help by making it easier to add customers and employees with some of the standard supporting entities (postal addresses, e-mail, SIC Classification, telephone).

These are time-consuming and require different skills than adding features and 
fixing JIRA issues.

Yes, but since it's done on a continuous-flow basis in Jira issues, we are 
better with that now

I am not sure that it is done.
We are spending a lot of time cleaning up bugs in the Wiki that date back 
several releases.

Sorry, I don't consider that the wiki contains bugs, it only misses some love. 
BTW, thanks for your help there!

The Wiki is almost as important as the code to someone trying to adopt OFBiz.
I hope that we can attract the same kind of community involvement in other 
areas of the project.

The installation procedure documentation was not correct.
I am not sure that data is added to the demo data to test/demonstrate each new 

It's still not always done when new features are added, and missing demo data 
from the past are not often considered.
But the situation is MUCH better than few years ago and it continues to improve 
(thanks Nicolas for your continued work on this!)


It also takes too long since it is being done by people who are busy elsewhere.
The current process also does not encourage the community to get involved.

OK, would you not recommend to split the project in sub-projects?

I would but for other reasons.

We can do this by providing a bit more leadership from the PMC and current 
Sometimes you will be surprised by the response from people when you ask for 
By identifying specific tasks that need to be done and asking for volunteers, 
we might be surprised at the response.

I have already been surprised few times. Problems: it does not always last...

By making it easy to work on an RC, the committers will have less work to do.

In theory more work at start but less once done, in theory... Nothing prevents 
people to help, we are adults, aren't we?
That's how I started in 2005, I picked a subject (the POS then) and did my way 
from that.

If there are a lot of required issues, then make it a community project to 
release it and get it done.

If it is not clear about the state of a release branch, then have a meeting and 
make a decision.
Either it is
a) still under development and unstable or
b) it is a release candidate and only a defined and agreed upon set of bugs will be fixed before it is released and other low priority bugs and backports will get done in the next minor release. If a new critical bug is found after it is declared a RC, then the team gets to decide if it is included and adds it to the priority list or defers it. If it is deferred, add a note in the release notes that an important bug is not fixed in the release but is or will be available as a patch to the version in the trunk or development branch.

This is not rocket science and if it done properly, in an organized way, it will be clear to Adrian and everyone how any backporting or bug fixing should be done.

Wait, we have already a rule about that. Yours are maybe not rocket science but 
are too complicated IMO.

Do you have a link to the desription of the rule?

No but you can create it in the wiki using what I wrote below

I thought that you said that you had a rule?

It was not written yet, but we could write it here 

I am not sure that my release strategy would be described as a consensus view 

To clarify your view:
a) A release branch can't be in your situation a). No developments should occur in release branch, only bug fixes or trivial non functional changes committed by consensus. Else it breaks the rule!
b) I agree about your point b)

I am certainly willing to help document this but I am certainly going push for 
something close to what I described above.

What is the list of tasks that have to be done between a "freeze" and a 

This indeed needs to be documented. But in a better manner than what we have achieved so far at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/OFBiz+Committers+Roles+and+Responsibilities
Too much documentation kills the documentation (people use rather TL;DR)

Who manages this? How is the list developed? Who determines when enough testing 
has been done?

It's not organised yet.

The question to the committers is"
"Is it worthwhile taking the time to get organized so that others can help do the 

Sincerely... I have some doubts about that...

How is progress tracked? How is help from the community solicited during this 

Not properly done yet.

How does Adrian's offer fit?

I want to write more about that. Hopefully soon...

There are 3 main types of changes:
1) New features
2) Improvements
3) Bug fixes

3 should normally go in the release branches, as much as they can. Security 
fixes should trigger a new released packages.
1 and 2 should never get into a release. Exceptions may occur, but they need a consensus, and as ever can be vetoed (only by committers, though this rule can be adapted by the community: http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html#binding-votes)

"Sort of" stable branches is not really acceptable as a management policy for a 
production quality software product.

I totally agree. I personally consider the trunk *bleeding edge*, a new "just frozen but not yet released branch" *edge* (it's still stabilising, like R14.12 is today) and a "released branch" (like R13.07) *stable*.


What is the current procedure for Adrian's offer to backport to 14.12. Does he 
have to start a 14.12.01 branch or can it be applied to 14.02?

A 14.12.01 branch would be confusing (with the to come R14.12.01 Release which is unrelated). Another name could be used, we have never done that and I'm against this idea

Agreed but without a policy that is agreed and followed, it makes these 
discussions difficult and sometime more heated than is good for the project.
If 14.12.01 is coming out sometime in 2015 (no date) and he can't backport to the 4.12.01RC, he should start a 14.12.02 (sorry for my typo above which made things confusing).

He can't backport if it's not bug fixes or trivial consensus changes .-

Should be documented as a policy so it does not become a clash of wills.

This was clear so far. As I said we can write it, but it will not fundamentally 
change things, since we (committers) agreed on this already

However this now means that new patches need to be applied to the trunk, 14.12.01 (if they meet the unwritten criteria for inclusion in an immutable release) and 14.02.02 plus backported to earlier supported that need it.

I'm against that

Who makes that decision? Is there already a policy that applies and does not 
need further discussion.

Most of the time the community makes the decision by lazy consensus 
(the"famous" Apache way), but a PMC member can in all cases veto it.

Needs to be more transparent and set as policy to avoid conflicts whre policy 
is challenged in parallel with application of policy.
Never completely avoidable but should be few and far between.

I'm not against writing it, best place already suggested... Other opinions are 
welcome, if ever I missed something...


No, we need to discuss about that

I hope that this is helping a bit.
I have changed the subject line since we have hijacked Adrian's topic.

Yes, thanks!







On 05/02/2015 3:26 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
I would though wait that all the possibly related opened Jiras will be fixed. Some projects are based on the R14.12 branch and people expect this branch to be stable even if not yet released.


Le 04/02/2015 06:34, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
On Jan 17, 2015, at 11:16 PM, Adrian Crum <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> 

After all of this work is completed, I would like to backport it to the R14 
Hi Adrian,

I just wanted to mention that I agree that we should backport all this work to the 14.12 branch, which is pretty new and still needs to undergo to the stabilization process: in this way it will be easier to maintain it (by backporting the fixes) in the future years.


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