Great discussion.

IMHO, bug fixes are different from enhancements. A fix is a gift to the community (specially if you are fixing something that someone else broke). Enhancement are usually done to add something that a small group wants and they have to take more responsibility to maintain it and have more of a role in deciding if it is to be backported.

If someone takes the time to fix something, I am not sure that they are also responsible for doing all the backports (as called for in the "no good deed goes unpunished" clause of the programmers creed.) If the consensus is that a bug fix must be backported, it is not just the responsibility of the person who fixes it in the trunk (or wherever), it is a community commitment to the integrity of the product.

It becomes a blocker to the next release of that branch.

In an ERP, there needs to be a bit wider view of a "security patch".
If you have a bug that will result in a user company shipping a product without getting paid or manufacturing items to fill a non-existant order backlog, perhaps that qualifies as a "security release".

As long as each decision is made and communicated in a transparent way, I think that most people will be able to live with the process.


On 22/03/2015 5:48 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
I was re-reading this thread because I think it's important and we need to clarify 3 things

1) how to decide when a branch is no longer supported (vs is alive)
2) what are the backporting rule
3) what to show on our OFBiz download page

In this thread we have already discussed the 2 last points below, but not the 1st.

1) EOL date
I don't think we should make a distinction with EOS - End Of Support - as Ron proposed It seems to me this should be a community decision leading to the creation of a page like linked from OFBiz download page So we should decide of this date using a [PROPOSAL] thread that anybody can start. With a lazy consensus no further [VOTE] thread should be needed, but that could be also.

2) Backporting rule
Jacopo proposed

A more formal rule would be:
a) commits to the trunk from Jira tickets of type Bugs can and*should* be backported to all the active releases b) commits to the trunk from Jira tickets of type different from Bugs need an explicit approval from the committers group before they can be backported to a specific active release

I like it, because it's simple and clear

a) I agree with the *should* (and not must) in 1st sentence. Because we can't reasonably force committers to backport all bug fixes. Sometimes there are too much conflicts, our volunteer time is limited. There is an exception though: all vulnerability fixes *must* be backported. It's obvious but better to state it. _Note_: when Jacopo wrote that, I then answered: <<Yes, hopefully we (I mean the really concerned persons) will not have to enforce (ie do it ourselves) the "should" :/ >> Since this discussion we are doing a better job at this, it's heartening to see these results :) b) The second rule is clear, a committer should not backport a non bug fix w/o the consent (lasy consensus) of a *reasonable number* of other committers.

3) Here Jacopo suggested to be as concise as possible,

in my opinion we could improve (and make more evident) the information we already have in the download page where we already mention a tentative end of life; for example now we have:
• April 2015 - Apache OFBiz 12.04.06 (last release of the 12.04 series)

I agree, I think a page *like* (simplified I guess) linked from the sentences like "(last release of the 12.04 series)" would help users to know better. Also I'd like that we clearly state on the download page, that, from our (a) "Backporting rule", *not all bug fixes are backported to all living release branches*. Our users have to live with it and engage the effort if they need a particular bug fix. With the help of the Jira generated releases logs this is now possible. I wrote also that <<We should then explain to our releases users how they can use the Jira changes logs to check and amend what they use (with a link to wiki from the download page). >> <<By comparing the trunk and releases change logs for instance>> and how to use then.

So finally not much is missing :)


Le 23/10/2014 15:08, Ron Wheeler a écrit :

I think that many projects that are "important" and are hard to upgrade (user facing or customized at each installation) are fully supported until end of support and between EOS and EOL get fixes for bugs that have security implications where publishing the issue and fix to the current release or trunk will give hackers easy access to data held in the old version or in some way open companies using that version to serious harm.

It may be somewhat difficult to get people to fix older versions but there may be things that we could do to make this more likely. 1) Bugs can not be closed until it is fixed in all of the versions to which it must be applied (according to our EOS and EOL rules). It might be better to generate new issue that specifically addresses the patch to be applied rather than a full description of the symptoms of the original problem which is a main feature of the original report and make this new issue a dependency of the original. 2) Open a sub-project for the older releases with different committers who are interested in the older version and are not committing to the trunk.
This might be a way for someone to get started in OFBiz programming.
The activity in this sub-project would be a good way to judge the community's interest in maintaining the older release. One would expect that companies running the old version would be interested in supporting this sub-project even if they have no interest in the trunk.


On 23/10/2014 8:17 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Le 23/09/2014 09:26, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Le 23/09/2014 06:35, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
On Sep 22, 2014, at 9:58 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

<<the problem is not everybody is aware of bug fixes backported or not. The official download page, says that we stabilize releases with bug fixes. It's not quite clear if we are backporting all or only some bug fixes.>>

A more formal rule would be:
* commits to the trunk from Jira tickets of type Bugs can and *should* be backported to all the active releases
Yes, hopefully we (I mean the really concerned persons) will not have to enforce (ie do it ourselves) the "should" :/
* commits to the trunk from Jira tickets of type different from Bugs need an explicit approval from the committers group before they can be backported to a specific active release
Yes it's already like that and those are only rare exceptions, right way for me
<<I think we should make that clear and expose a way to users for them to more
"easily" maintain the releases they use.>>
+1 see below

As suggested Ron we could also define our own or refer to and
Rather than referring to an external site, in my opinion we could improve (and make more evident) the information we already have in the download page where we already mention a tentative end of life; for example now we have:

• April 2015 - Apache OFBiz 12.04.06 (last release of the 12.04 series)

But when we specify an end of life, we should also make clear a few things: * this is a community goal, and the help from the community is required to meet the goal (i.e. it is not guaranteed)
Yes that's an important point indeed. We begin to get traction with (mostly thanks to the bug crush effort so far) and hopefully it will continue :)
* the plan is flexible; for example, if a group of interested users will show up today telling us that they want to actively maintain the release branch 11.04 even if the scheduled end of life is passed, I would not object to it; the opposite is also true: if we experience low interest/support (from committers and non committers) in maintaining a given release branch we could vote to modify its end of life
The point I'd really want to be highlighted/explained is we don't guarantee that old bugs fixed in trunk are backported. Let's face it, we can't guarantee that, we have not real means to enforce it.

We have still no mention of that in the download page. I recently backported a number of bug fixes done in the last HWM bug crush in R12.04, but I (nobody I guess) can't guarantee we will always backport all bug fixes in living releases branches. I don't know how other TLP projects do, but it seems to me that to be correct/honest with our users we need to clarify that. We should even give a mean, or at least a way, to check that by themselves. By comparing the trunk and releases change logs for instance? I also suggested below <<We should then explain to our releases users how they can use the Jira changes logs to check and amend what they use (maybe a link to wiki from download page to not clutter this main page). I will think about what you wrote above and see how we can inform our our releases users (I mean a process to follow maybe even something more automated) >>


Now we need to think "technical" and automatize as possible with Jira
In my opinion it is possible to easily derive this from Jira, after the version configuration refactoring I did a few weeks ago (however the information will be more accurate with new releases).
The idea is to run a query on Jira with the following constraints:
project = OFBiz
type = Bug
status = not resolved
version *affected* = the release branch we are interested in (e.g. "release branch 12.04" OR the current latest release in the same branch (e.g. "Release 12.04.05")

The result should be a list of bugs affecting the release branch and/or the latest release in that branch; these are the bugs that are known and outstanding. For them we will need help from the community (committers and non committers) to fix the bugs or backport existing fixes.

In the download page, we could add two links (to Jira) next to each available release:
1) known bugs (links to the above report)
2) release notes (link to the release notes available now)

One technicality is the following: when we release a new release from the branch (e.g. 12.04.06), if there are open tickets with "version affected" set to the current version (e.g. 12.04.05) then we will have to bulk update all of them by adding also the new version (e.g. add "12.04.06" to affected version).

This will need a strict observance from committers about versions to fix and fixed. I believe it's indeed the right way, anyway we have no others/betters (I mean offered by Jira) .

We should then explain to our releases users how they can use the Jira changes logs to check and amend what they use (maybe a link to wiki from download page to not clutter this main page). I will think about what you wrote above and see how we can inform our our releases users (I mean a process to follow maybe even something more automated)


What I have read so far from Jacopo seems a good start to me
Thank you for confirming that we are on the same page. This is actually part of the plan I had in mind to maintain better release information when I started the version refactoring in Jira, and this conversation is helping to refine some points.


Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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