If anyone is in the Bay area, there are a couple of interesting meetings. The "Apache Way" caught my attention.


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Spring by Pivotal
Spring by Pivotal <http://info.pivotal.io/dC0NW9LAPc1J400U2k020I0>

   Hi Ron,

Join us this month for two interesting meetups in the San Francisco Bay Area.

This month, at Pivotal in Palo Alto, Roman Shaposhnik will talk about mechanics of the community governance and achieving the level of greatness comparable to Apache Hadoop or Tomcat by using the "Apache Way".

 * If you don't know the "Apache Way" you really don't know open source
 * Tuesday, April 21, 2015
 * Learn more and Register here: bit.ly/POSH0066

Also this month, at Pivotal in Palo Alto, Sudhir Menon, Jags Ramnarayan and Dan Smith talk about the technology behind the "GemFire" in-memory data grid, its history and how you can become a contributor to this powerful technology:

 * Open Sourced GemFire In-Memory Distributed Database and Apache
 * Thursday, April 23, 2015
 * Learn more and Register here: bit.ly/POSH0068

We're looking forward to seeing you!

     The Spring Team

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