Currently many widgets are referenced in other widgets (e.g. forms, etc) by
incorporating the location to the widget.

e.g. In a screen file following the following can occur:

   - <include-form name="form1"
   - <include-screen name="Screen1"
   - <include-menu name="Menu1"
   - <script  location="component://componentName/scripts/script.groovy"/>

And in controller.xml:

   - <view-map name="optionsetting" type="screen" page=
   - <event type="simple" path=
   "component://commonext/script/org/ofbiz/setup/SetupEvents.xml" invoke=

And in the ofbiz-component.xml file of the component:

   - <entity-resource type="model" reader-name="main" loader="main" location
   - <entity-resource type="eca" reader-name="main" loader="main" location=
   - <entity-resource type="data" reader-name="seed" loader="main" location=

However, having to type the location path everywhere is quite tedious and
error prone.

Couldn't it be possible to add a layer of flexibility, so that widgets in
the same component can be referenced in an easier way? Like for screens:

   - <include-form name="form1" location="Forms.xml"/>
   - <include-screen name="Screen1" location="AnotherScreens.xml"/>
   - <include-menu name="Menu1" location="Menus.xml'/>
   - <script  location="script.groovy"/>

And for controller.xml:

   - <event type="simple" path="SetupEvents.xml" invoke=
   - <view-map name="optionsetting" type="screen" page=

And for ofbiz-component.xml:

   - <entity-resource type="model" reader-name="main" loader="main" location
   - <entity-resource type="eca" reader-name="main" loader="main" location=
   - <entity-resource type="data" reader-name="seed" loader="main" location=

Of course, such would require that the default paths to the various widget
locations must be known on the moment of loading the component (especially
the entitymodel and ecas/secas - I migt be forgetting some).
This could be done by references in a record in the SystemProperty entity,
and as a fallback the file in the component.

Such an improvement would, I believe, make both development of new
applications and migration regarding future framework changes easier.

What do you think?

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

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