Hi Adrian, 

Ok at least we have the kernel of an interesting plan. Sharan, we're waiting 
for you to say the magic word! 

Taher Alkhateeb 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Adrian Crum" <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> 
To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org 
Sent: Monday, 19 October, 2015 12:48:59 AM 
Subject: Re: Why A Framework Rewrite Is Necessary 

That sounds fine to me. 

Keep in mind that Sharan is spearheading this thing, and I will be 
effectively uninvolved. But I will offer advice/guidance where I feel it 
is necessary. 

Based on Ron's comments, I think it would be best if the Wiki page was 
moved so others can modify it, or C&P it to a less restrictive area. 

Adrian Crum 
Sandglass Software 

On 10/18/2015 2:21 PM, Taher Alkhateeb wrote: 
> Hello Everyone, 
> Like Ron I also find the suggestion from David logical and sensible. We can 
> perhaps start with a design for interfaces and XSDs as a first step. Would 
> anyone like to join forces to brainstorm on this issue? Adrian, is that a 
> route that you also prefer? 
> Taher Alkhateeb 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ron Wheeler" <rwhee...@artifact-software.com> 
> To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org 
> Sent: Saturday, 17 October, 2015 10:39:35 PM 
> Subject: Re: Why A Framework Rewrite Is Necessary 
> This seems like a very sound approach and something that can be started 
> in the wiki. 
> That way no one will be tempted to start coding before we know what to code. 
> If the first things to be coded (even if the wiki is the repo) are 
> interfaces and XML schemas, we should be able to divide up the 
> implementation classes among a wide number of committers while still 
> maintaining a sense of confidence that the result will be what was 
> agreed upon. 
> It will also allow us to validate: 
> 1) Is there a consensus about the design and function of a new framework 
> 2) Is there enough of a community to actually build one. 
> Can we start with the pages that Adrian wrote way back then, as a basic 
> outline of the components of a framework? 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/Another+Framework+Vision 
> Ron 
> On 17/10/2015 2:07 PM, David E. Jones wrote: 
>> This message has a lot of the right questions to ask about a new framework. 
>> A big part of why the OFBiz framework suffers is because it was never 
>> planned in its entirety from the beginning, it is VERY much an emergent 
>> design as opposed to an intentional one. 
>> The interest bits start appearing with intentional design, and for anyone 
>> serious about getting into a fresh framework rewrite I’d highly recommend 
>> doing the same thing I did with Moqui: define Java interfaces for the API 
>> and an XML schema (XSD files) for the intended XML files. The XML schema 
>> might be the same as the current one, though there is room for improvement 
>> in the current OFBiz XML files and the eventual framework would be much 
>> better if these are reconsidered as well. 
>> You can see the Moqui interfaces here: 
>> https://github.com/moqui/moqui/tree/master/framework/src/api/java/org/moqui 
>> The central object at runtime, ie for most application code, is the 
>> implementation of the ExecutionContext interface. The whole API is 
>> structured around this: 
>> https://github.com/moqui/moqui/blob/master/framework/src/api/java/org/moqui/context/ExecutionContext.java
>> There is also a JavaDoc generated and available on moqui.org, might be 
>> easier to read for some: 
>> http://www.moqui.org/javadoc/index.html 
>> http://www.moqui.org/javadoc/org/moqui/context/ExecutionContext.html 
>> I include these links because they might be useful for ideas or even as a 
>> starting point for a next generation OFBiz framework API (take or leave each 
>> method/etc as you wish). 
>> The nice thing about creating Java interfaces as opposed to a document is 
>> they are more clear and concise, and can be actually used in the framework 
>> implementation once interested community participants have reviewed it. 
>> This doesn’t require nearly as much work as implementing the beast and is a 
>> great way to communicate concepts, so for anyone really serious about a 
>> framework rewrite in OFBiz I’d highly recommend this specific effort. 
>> The other details like which tools (other open source projects and such) to 
>> use is less important. On the other hand if using something like Spring is a 
>> serious consideration it would change the API dramatically, and a lot of the 
>> design ideas as well (I’d recommend against this BTW, the Spring ecosystem 
>> is its own thing and VERY different conceptually from OFBiz). 
>> -David 
>>> On 16 Oct 2015, at 08:47, Ron Wheeler <rwhee...@artifact-software.com> 
>>> wrote: 
>>> Before we start to decide who can access code, we need to decide on a 
>>> roadmap for the new framework. 
>>> How different will the API be from the current framework in each of the 
>>> areas that the framework will offer services? 
>>> How modular will it be? 
>>> Foundation identifies 
>>> - Core with 3 main areas of functionality. Can they be separated into 
>>> separate projects with clean interfaces? are there more projects such as 
>>> authentication, persistence, logging and audit (see below) that are shared 
>>> across the Foundation Core high level features. 
>>> - Script 
>>> - Imex 
>>> - Connect - seems to a number of projects here that could be tackled 
>>> separately. 
>>> Is this it? 
>>> Will there be an application isolation layer that will support OFBiz's 
>>> current interaction with the Framework. This should also be a separate 
>>> project where OFBiz knowledge is really valuable. 
>>> What will go underneath the covers? Spring-Boot , Spring JPA, Hibernate, 
>>> etc. 
>>> How many containers will be supported. Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, 
>>> Spring-Boot. 
>>> How many persistence options will be supported? SQL, No-SQL 
>>> How many authentication services will be supported - internal, LDAP, Oauth, 
>>> Google, LinkedIn, Facebook. 
>>> What administration functions will be offered? How? JConsole, REST, 
>>> browser/mobile apps. 
>>> How delivered? Installer, Docker image, VM image, 
>>> What demo apps? 
>>> What test framework(s)? Test Applications. 
>>> What would be a reasonable set of functionality to be released in version 
>>> 1.0? Minimum useful framework. 
>>> How many people would it take to do this in a reasonable timeframe? 
>>> Ron 
>>> On 16/10/2015 3:41 AM, Pierre Smits wrote: 
>>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 5:31 AM, David E. Jones <d...@me.com> wrote: 
>>>>>> On 15 Oct 2015, at 07:58, Adrian Crum < 
>>>>> adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> wrote: 
>>>>>> Keep in mind that much of David's code in OFBiz has been rewritten. So 
>>>>> yes, we CAN do a better job than him. 
>>>>> I think there’s a name for this logical fallacy… 
>>>>> And this could also be called a logical fallacy. But let us not make it 
>>>> into a pissing contest again, like we had in the past regarding the 
>>>> opposing viewpoints on this. 
>>>>>> Also keep in mind that Moqui duplicates some of the problems I listed - 
>>>>> so by using Moqui, we keep the same problems instead of fixing them. 
>>>>> Could you be more specific, other than the type conversion stuff you 
>>>>> mentioned many years ago (which I fully disagree with)? 
>>>>> This is not about who is right or wrong, but where the community wants to 
>>>> go. 
>>>> I understand the reluctance of the community, because the impact will be 
>>>> huge. When looking at the data in OpenHub I see OFBiz having an estimate 
>>>> effort spend of 519 person years vs 6 for the combined 
>>>> Moqui-Mantle-HiveMindPM-PopCommerce suite. And one of the reasons behind 
>>>> it 
>>>> is simple: Many more have worked on OFBiz (from day 1) than on the Moqui 
>>>> suite. One could even argue that both directions took the same number of 
>>>> years in duration to get where they are now. Without all the experiences 
>>>> regarding the OFBiz product there couldn't have been an evolution called 
>>>> the Moqui suite. 
>>>> Coming back to opting for a new direction, as Scott has stated we can have 
>>>> this in a separate code repository (subproject, like many other Apache 
>>>> projects do their work) even combined with a new JIRA an Wiki under the 
>>>> umbrella of the OFBiz project. Based on the comments provided, this seems 
>>>> like a logical choice to ensure that adopters of the current solution will 
>>>> keep the support of the community while at the same time ensuring 
>>>> containment of the new approach. 
>>>> But these are mere technical, supportive aspects. The more important issue 
>>>> is what this new solution will encompass. There are talks of a rewrite, 
>>>> which sounds like reinvention of the wheel. But I guess it is not like 
>>>> that. Yet, taking decisions based on a few one-pagers (e.g. 
>>>> http://www.sandglass-software.com/products/sandglass/documents/Foundation_Brochure.pdf)
>>>> are seldom done. Maybe it works for a single person, but I doubt it will 
>>>> make a community fly. 
>>>> Whether fix or rewrite, choices will be made regarding the supporting 3rd 
>>>> party libraries/solutions and the community needs to understand the impact 
>>>> to get behind it. So before we embark on the coding trip, let us get into 
>>>> trying to define a bit more what the new solution will encompass and get 
>>>> consensus on that. 
>>>> Another issue regarding getting the community behind behind this new 
>>>> effort 
>>>> is this: 'restrict access to the new code'. I guess this meant restrict 
>>>> write access. Though understandable from a avoidance of dilution/scope 
>>>> creep point of view, I see this as a wrong direction. This 'proposed' 
>>>> exclusion of contributors of the kind will bring us back to where this 
>>>> project came from: discrimination and favouritism. I even doubt that this 
>>>> is possible under the current principles of the ASF. 
>>>> Given that this is an enormous undertaking, we need to get as many on 
>>>> board 
>>>> as possible. Not only to ensure that the decisions (at each level) will 
>>>> get 
>>>> consensus, but also the ensure that every aspect down the line will get 
>>>> addressed (e.g. documentation, test definitions, marketing/promotions, 
>>>> etc) 
>>>> in order to get this kite flying. 
>>>> Best regards, 
>>>> Pierre Smits 
>>>> *OFBiz Extensions Marketplace* 
>>>> http://oem.ofbizci.net/oci-2/ 
>>> -- 
>>> Ron Wheeler 
>>> President 
>>> Artifact Software Inc 
>>> email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com 
>>> skype: ronaldmwheeler 
>>> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102 

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