The problem with using a code repository is that it would open up the code repo to lots of people or prevent a lot of people from working on the project(s).


On 20/10/2015 12:54 AM, David E. Jones wrote:
It might work fine putting the proposed interfaces and XSDs in wiki pages, but 
seems really cumbersome compared to a code repository!


On 17 Oct 2015, at 13:39, Ron Wheeler <> wrote:

This seems like a very sound approach and something that can be started in the 
That way no one will be tempted to start coding before we know what to code.

If the first things to be coded (even if the wiki is the repo) are interfaces 
and XML schemas, we should be able to divide up the implementation classes 
among a wide number of committers while still maintaining a sense of confidence 
that the result will be what was agreed upon.

It will also allow us to validate:
1) Is there a consensus about the design and function of a new framework
2) Is there enough of a community to actually build one.

Can we start with the pages that Adrian wrote way back then, as a basic outline 
of the components of a framework?


On 17/10/2015 2:07 PM, David E. Jones wrote:
This message has a lot of the right questions to ask about a new framework.

A big part of why the OFBiz framework suffers is because it was never planned 
in its entirety from the beginning, it is VERY much an emergent design as 
opposed to an intentional one.

The interest bits start appearing with intentional design, and for anyone 
serious about getting into a fresh framework rewrite I’d highly recommend doing 
the same thing I did with Moqui: define Java interfaces for the API and an XML 
schema (XSD files) for the intended XML files. The XML schema might be the same 
as the current one, though there is room for improvement in the current OFBiz 
XML files and the eventual framework would be much better if these are 
reconsidered as well.

You can see the Moqui interfaces here:

The central object at runtime, ie for most application code, is the 
implementation of the ExecutionContext interface. The whole API is structured 
around this:

There is also a JavaDoc generated and available on, might be easier 
to read for some:

I include these links because they might be useful for ideas or even as a 
starting point for a next generation OFBiz framework API (take or leave each 
method/etc as you wish).

The nice thing about creating Java interfaces as opposed to a document is they 
are more clear and concise, and can be actually used in the framework 
implementation once interested community participants have reviewed it.

This doesn’t require nearly as much work as implementing the beast and is a 
great way to communicate concepts, so for anyone really serious about a 
framework rewrite in OFBiz I’d highly recommend this specific effort.

The other details like which tools (other open source projects and such) to use 
is less important. On the other hand if using something like Spring is a 
serious consideration it would change the API dramatically, and a lot of the 
design ideas as well (I’d recommend against this BTW, the Spring ecosystem is 
its own thing and VERY different conceptually from OFBiz).


On 16 Oct 2015, at 08:47, Ron Wheeler <> wrote:

Before we start to decide who can access code, we need to decide on a roadmap 
for the new framework.
How different will the API be from the current framework in each of the areas 
that the framework will offer services?

How modular will it be?
Foundation identifies
- Core with 3 main areas of functionality. Can they be separated into separate 
projects with clean interfaces? are there more projects such as authentication, 
persistence, logging and audit (see below) that are shared across the 
Foundation Core high level features.
- Script
- Imex
- Connect - seems to a number of projects here that could be tackled separately.
Is this it?

Will there be an application isolation layer that will support OFBiz's current 
interaction with the Framework. This should also be a separate project where 
OFBiz knowledge is really valuable.

What will go underneath the covers? Spring-Boot , Spring JPA, Hibernate, etc.

How many containers will be supported. Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, Spring-Boot.

How many persistence options will be supported? SQL, No-SQL

How many authentication services will be supported - internal, LDAP, Oauth, 
Google, LinkedIn, Facebook.

What administration functions will be offered? How?  JConsole, REST, 
browser/mobile apps.

How delivered? Installer, Docker image, VM image,

What demo apps?

What test framework(s)? Test Applications.

What would be a reasonable set of functionality to be released in version 1.0? 
Minimum useful framework.

How many people would it take to do this in a reasonable timeframe?


On 16/10/2015 3:41 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 5:31 AM, David E. Jones <> wrote:

On 15 Oct 2015, at 07:58, Adrian Crum <> wrote:
Keep in mind that much of David's code in OFBiz has been rewritten. So
yes, we CAN do a better job than him.

I think there’s a name for this logical fallacy…

And this could also be called a logical fallacy. But let us not make it
into a pissing contest again, like we had in the past regarding the
opposing viewpoints on this.

Also keep in mind that Moqui duplicates some of the problems I listed -
so by using Moqui, we keep the same problems instead of fixing them.

Could you be more specific, other than the type conversion stuff you
mentioned many years ago (which I fully disagree with)?

This is not about who is right or wrong, but where the community wants to

I understand the reluctance of the community, because the impact will be
huge. When looking at the data in OpenHub I see OFBiz having an estimate
effort spend of 519 person years vs 6 for the combined
Moqui-Mantle-HiveMindPM-PopCommerce suite. And one of the reasons behind it
is simple: Many more have worked on OFBiz (from day 1) than on the Moqui
suite. One could even argue that both directions took the same number of
years in duration to get where they are now. Without all the experiences
regarding the OFBiz product there couldn't have been an evolution called
the Moqui suite.

Coming back to opting for a new direction, as Scott has stated we can have
this in a separate code repository (subproject, like many other Apache
projects do their work) even combined with a new JIRA an Wiki under the
umbrella of the OFBiz project. Based on the comments provided, this seems
like a logical choice to ensure that adopters of the current solution will
keep the support of the community while at the same time ensuring
containment of the new approach.

But these are mere technical, supportive aspects. The more important issue
is what this new solution will encompass. There are talks of a rewrite,
which sounds like reinvention of the wheel. But I guess it is not like
that. Yet, taking decisions based on a few one-pagers (e.g.
are seldom done. Maybe it works for a single person, but I doubt it will
make a community fly.

Whether fix or rewrite, choices will be made regarding the supporting 3rd
party libraries/solutions and the community needs to understand the impact
to get behind it. So before we embark on the coding trip, let us get into
trying to define a bit more what the new solution will encompass and get
consensus on that.

Another issue regarding getting the community behind behind this new effort
is this: 'restrict access to the new code'. I guess this meant restrict
write access. Though understandable from a avoidance of dilution/scope
creep point of view, I see this as a wrong direction. This 'proposed'
exclusion of contributors of the kind will bring us back to where this
project came from: discrimination and favouritism. I even doubt that this
is possible under the current principles of the ASF.
Given that this is an enormous undertaking, we need to get as many on board
as possible. Not only to ensure that the decisions (at each level) will get
consensus, but also the ensure that every aspect down the line will get
addressed (e.g. documentation, test definitions, marketing/promotions, etc)
in order to get this kite flying.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

*OFBiz Extensions Marketplace*

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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