Hi Everyone

As mentioned I'd like to have a community vote for our new logo as the discussion threads were becoming a little difficult to follow. Essentially this vote is about selecting which design style you like the best that we want to move ahead with. This means that if for example the majority choose the existing logo then that's what we will try to refine and make into our official logo.

_IMPORTANT NOTE_: The link to the vote is at the bottom of my email and clearly labelled: “*Link to Logo Vote*:”

Kenneth has spent some time preparing some examples of each of the logos printed in different situations to give us a better idea of what it could look like. This means that whatever design we choose we still have options to change the colour of the logo for printing.

I've selected the following 3 options for the vote (as there were some ideas in the last round that no-one liked:-).

_*Option 1 : Our Existing Logo with Updated 'Registered' Symbol*_
I've included this option in the vote as we have a couple of people that strongly support this one. One thing to be aware of is that the quality of our existing logo is not very good, it is blurry and doesn't resize well so Kenneth has mentioned that some cleanup work will need to done to try and correct this.

It looks like this: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/61317052/Original-Ofbiz.png?api=v2

_*Option 2: Corrected OFBiz Name with New Feather *_
I've included this option in the vote as many people requested that we correct the spelling of OFBiz in our logo to match our project name. Also as Apache has rebranded their feather, this new feather was added to the logo.

It looks like this: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/61317052/NewFeather-OFBiz.png?api=v2

_*Option 3: Power OFBiz*_
I've included this option with its original colour gradient as some people liked the style, and others liked the style but not the colour. BTW I found out that the circle was meant to represent a power button (ie for switching on something on or off). One concern that was noted was that the gradient would be difficult to print. Kenneth mentioned that he didn't think this would be an issue for a professional printer.

Some people liked this option with a blue power button instead so if you were one of those then please add in the comments box that you prefer the power button to be blue.

It looks like this: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/61317052/Power-OFBiz.png?api=v2

*_Making Your Choice_*
The survey vote contains images of each of these logos so you will be able to see them when you vote. Please vote for only one of the options. For each option in the survey I've also added a comment box for any additional feedback.

Please use the following link to vote:

*Link to Logo Vote: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3J2H3RX

I'll keep the survey open until the next Wednesday so hopefully that will give everyone time to respond. Once complete I will summarise and post the results to both user and dev lists.

As an additional note – whichever we choose, the ASF will pay for us to get some stickers etc professionally printed so hopefully we will have some available for Apachecon later in the year.

Anyway Happy Voting Everyone!


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