I was saying #2 as per the comment from Taher ....

Quick Reference:

One reply from Taher ... in the same thread.

Okay, given the priorities and work we have at the moment, I suggest we
keep semicolons and use it as the standard unless someone volunteers to
make a full switch. WDYT?

Rishi Solanki
Manager, Enterprise Software Development
HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Direct: +91-9893287847

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> I guess you mean 2) by file, then it's OK with me. Though I'd no be
> against having semicolon inconsistency in Groovy files, which was my
> initial question. So no strong opinion about 2 here.
> Jacques
> Le 16/09/2016 à 11:31, Rishi Solanki a écrit :
>> To summarize the overall conversation;
>> 1) We have decided to bulk remove semicolons from groovy.
>> 2) Until #1 is not complete, we would keep adding semicolon for
>> consistency.
>> Rishi Solanki
>> Manager, Enterprise Software Development
>> HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
>> Direct: +91-9893287847
>> http://www.hotwaxsystems.com
>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 10:00 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
>> jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:
>> Actually I was wrong on this. Thanks to Jacopo I noticed that both
>>> Subclipse and Tortoise allow you to select a range of revisions when you
>>> look for annotations.
>>> So  it's no longer an issue for me and we can bulk remove trailing
>>> semicolons in Groovy files if we want.
>>> Sorry for the confusion
>>> Jacques
>>> Le 14/09/2016 à 04:42, Scott Gray a écrit :
>>> I don't particularly care one way or another if groovy files have a
>>>> semi-colon at the end.  I don't even care about consistency because it
>>>> is
>>>> such a minor thing.
>>>> I say remove them if they're on a line you happen to be editing,
>>>> otherwise
>>>> just leave them be.
>>>> Regarding the annotations, there's plenty of ways to search commit logs
>>>> and
>>>> personally I've never found blame to be very useful.  I don't think it
>>>> should be a reason to block any future bulk S/R cleanups.  We've had
>>>> plenty
>>>> in the past (Double -> BigDecimal, Delegator -> EntityQuery, whitespace
>>>> removal, etc.) and we should continue to do it to keep things clean.
>>>> For searching diffs, before using git-svn I used to use: svn log -diff
>>>> <path/to.file> and then use the search in the terminal to find the
>>>> string
>>>> I'm looking for.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Scott
>>>> On 14 September 2016 at 07:33, Jacques Le Roux <
>>>> jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Le 13/09/2016 à 21:28, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>>>> OK found that the same than in Subclipse also exists in TortoiseSVN
>>>>>> But you need to use a command line (weird for a GUI), eg (from
>>>>>> TortoiseSVN root folder)
>>>>>> Actually wrong, simply pick a file in Windows file explorer using
>>>>> TortoiseSVN  context menu, et voilà!
>>>>> I confirm, totally comparable to Subclipse annotations
>>>>> Jacques
>>>>> TortoiseProc.exe /command:blame /path:"C:\projectASF-Mars\ofbi
>>>>>> z\applications\product\src\main\java\org\apache\ofbiz\
>>>>>> product\catalog\CatalogWorker.java"
>>>>>> All is explained here https://tortoisesvn.net/docs/r
>>>>>> elease/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-automation.html#tsvn-automation-basics
>>>>>>   From the resulting UI (comparable to Subclipse) I guess changing all
>>>>>> lines of a file will have the same effect.
>>>>>> Even if indeed the annotations are not lost, they are very hard to use
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> you need to compare revision by revision.
>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> Le 13/09/2016 à 20:21, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>>>>> BTW thinking about it, don't you have something similar in IntellIJ?
>>>>>>> I found an (old) image there https://markphip.blogspot.fr/2
>>>>>>> 006/12/subclipse-live-annotations.html
>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>> Le 13/09/2016 à 20:16, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>>>>>> Thanks Jacopo,
>>>>>>>> I found how to use it in TortoiseSVN (it starts from the log view)
>>>>>>>> It's complementary to what Subclipse gives and so interesting but
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> comparable.
>>>>>>>> You don't have this global view Subclipse offers with each
>>>>>>>> annotation
>>>>>>>> by line from start (r1) to HEAD.
>>>>>>>> Very useful with colored annotations in the same column than lines
>>>>>>>> numbers. But it unfortunately contains only the last revision if all
>>>>>>>> lines
>>>>>>>> have been modified together in that revision.
>>>>>>>> Note: to see it you need to use "Show Quick Diff" ("Revision" and
>>>>>>>> "Combined Colors" are then default options, hovering is enough for
>>>>>>>> me).
>>>>>>>> Same than you decide to show line numbers in this column... More for
>>>>>>>> those who are still using Eclipse...
>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>> Le 13/09/2016 à 17:40, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
>>>>>>>> Some examples:
>>>>>>>>> svn blame README.md
>>>>>>>>> after review you run
>>>>>>>>> svn blame README.md -r 1:1757044
>>>>>>>>> and then
>>>>>>>>> svn blame README.md -r 1:1757042
>>>>>>>>> and so on to get back in history... nothing is lost, annotations
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> always
>>>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>>>> Jacopo
>>>>>>>>> PS: I think there is some trick to do the same with TortoiseSVN
>>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>> can't
>>>>>>>>> tell you the details since I don't use it
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
>>>>>>>>> jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Le 13/09/2016 à 16:45, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
>>>>>>>>>> jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>> Before applying a such change, I'd really like to know if
>>>>>>>>>>> everybody
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> aware of what that means when it comes to svn annotations. I
>>>>>>>>>>>> repeat: we
>>>>>>>>>>>> will then lose all the svn annotations history in all the Groovy
>>>>>>>>>>>> files.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques, are you aware that you can pass the -r argument to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> blame/annotate command?
>>>>>>>>>>> Jacopo
>>>>>>>>>>> I must say I never use that when looking at annotations in a file
>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>> Eclipse. It's maybe useful in certain circumstances, but I hardly
>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>> when.
>>>>>>>>>> And once all the lines a file has been modified in one commit, I
>>>>>>>>>> guess -r
>>>>>>>>>> does not help at all, anyway you get only this information. Or do
>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>> miss
>>>>>>>>>> something? Should I know the revision I'm looking for? I rather
>>>>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>>>> to know
>>>>>>>>>> when and why a line has been changed, what are the reasons of
>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>>> changes, maybe to find an related Jira, etc.
>>>>>>>>>> Jacques

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