
as far as I understand the theme voting, the community decided to keep all themes with negative votes and drop the ones with positive votes.

I fully agree with Sharan's and Taher's opinions.

If you had another ruleset for these votes in mind, you should have explained them BEFORE the vote.



Am 01.10.16 um 18:24 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Here are the themes votes results

+1 6
-1 1
total: 5

+1 3
-1 5
total -2

Rainbow Stone - Ruby
 0 2
 -1  7
 total -7

Rainbow Stone -  Saphir
0 1
-1 8
total -8

Rainbow Stone - Amber
0 2
-1 7
total -7

Rainbow Stone - Emeral
0 2
-1 7
total -7

Bizzness time
+1 10
total +10

+1 2
0 1
-1 9
total -7

Dropping Crumbs
+1 10
total +10

So clearly the 2 themes to keep, if we decide to keep 2, are those with the best scores: Flatgrey (-7) and Rainbow Stone (-7, merged with a colour option) If we decide to keep only one theme we will need to vote again; though Rainbow Stone seems a favourite because of the -8 for Saphir (others have -7)

Now, do we need to vote again to decide to keep 1 or 2 themes? Or should the lazy consensus I proposed to keep 2 themes (to show the option to change) adopted?


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