Hi Jacques

I'm helping out at Apachecon in Seville so havent had much time to follow the mailing lists. I've included some responses below:

I cross posted this for several reasons.


   This is an informational message and not a discussion thread


   All the changes done by these teams benefit our users so it made
   sense to me to let our users take a look at what has been done and
   be able to vote for or rate teams that have implemented the features
   they like


   Developer based questions are sometimes raised on our user list
   instead of our dev list, meaning that some of our technical
   community prefer using our user list rather than the dev one, so the
   message would reach them too

I disagree that giving an opinion or rating to the teams is clearly technical. Each of the teams have prepared a report summarising what they have done. Everyone is free to rate the teams based on their own criteria. If you want to rate them based on their coding techniques then you are free to do that and if someone else wants to rate them based on the features they have implemented then in my view that is also perfectly acceptable. This is an award where the OFBiz community choose, so why limit that to only developers when the work being done affects our user base too.

Remember that this OFBiz Premier League initiative was open to anyone from the OFBiz community – so anyone could have formed a team and become involved. It just so happened that no-one else did.

Also as I'd put together all the community surveys and had access to the tool, I was asked if I could create one to rate the teams, so it also made sense to for me send out the communications as well as the survey links. (So in response to your question No – I am not working for Hotwax)

I think that we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that everyone in the teams did these contributions in their own free time as individuals who wanted to contribute to OFBiz and not as paid Hotwax employees. If this was a paid effort instead of a voluntary effort, then I would probably have a different view but this is something that was done voluntarily for the community by other members of the community and to me that is all that counts.


On 11/11/16 19:30, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Divesh, Sharan, Pierre,

First I think it's better to not cross post this thread, and it seems it's best placed here, in dev ML. Because, if we expect a realistic result, reviewing the work done by the HotWax team and giving an opinion about it is clearly technical!

This said, it was already an overwhelming task to review the work done by the HotWax team (thanks you all!) and I don't think much people will have the time to seriously decide which team did the best work. Sorry but I'll not. Maybe inside HotWax it's easier to decide, so maybe Jacopo, Anil, Scott and maybe some others I miss (sorry for you guys, you are so many) will because they did not participate and I guess it was on purpose?

About Pierre's answer, I must say I was also surprised that Sharan and not someone from HotWax asked for feedback. Because her questions were already quite organised.

This is minor regarding the question, but maybe Sharan you are officially working with HotWax now?

Anyway thanks to all who worked on these issues, improving OBFiz is always a good aim and your effort was quite impressive! We have still 300 new issues waiting now ;) https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12310800


Le 11/11/2016 à 09:32, Divesh Dutta a écrit :

Instead of taunting, you should understand the bigger cause for what Sharan is doing it. Overall OPL effort and involving others community members in
it is for bigger cause and sake of OFBiz and its community.

Divesh Dutta.

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Pierre Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>

Hi Sharan,

Congratulations regarding your new assignment as HotWax spokesperson to the
OFBiz project.

Best regards

Pierre Smits

ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>
OFBiz based solutions & services

OFBiz Extensions Marketplace

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 11:39 PM, Sharan Foga <sharan.f...@gmail.com>

Hi Everyone

(I'm posting this on both user and dev lists).

The Hotwax Systems teams desperately need your help! Why? Because their OFBiz Premier League (OPL) competition ended this month. Details can be
found at http://opl.ofbiz.us/)

Six teams were competing for points to improve OFBiz by contributing
ideas, code, documentation, developments and bug fixes. On 5th November 2016 - the 6 month time period ended and now feedback from all the OFBiz Community is needed to choose the team that will receive the 'Reviewers
Choice Award'. (Note: The Reviewers are the OFBiz Community :-) )

The 6 teams were :


    Team-1 - MV Controller


    Team-2 - OFBiz Fanatics


    Team-3 - OFgrammers


    Team-4 - OS Biz Contributor


    Team-5 - OS Code Breakers


    Team-6 - SO Architects

Each team has prepared a report with details of the contributions made
over the last 6 months. These reports can be found at the following link:


Please take a look at the reports and then assign your rating score for
each team. (I've taken a quick preview of the reports already and it's
going to be a tough decision!). All the scores will be totalled and the winning team will be the one with the most points. The scores and winner
will be announced on the OFBiz mailing lists.

*IMPORTANT NOTE*: All the Hotwax team members who are involved with any
the OPL teams _*will not*_ participate in the rating or scoring of any of
the teams.

_*Rate The Teams*_

To rate the teams I've setup a short survey (see link) with the name of each team and a sliding scale that you can rate them and their work from
(Poor) to 10 (Excellent).


Anyone from the OFBiz Community can participate in the rating the OPL
teams. The survey will be open for the next 7 days and will close on
November 2016. The scores will be totalled and hopefully we'll find out
which team has won the award.

Good luck to all the teams and thanks for all the OFBiz contributions
have been made.


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