Hi All,

I'd like to complete the Gradle documentation at OFBIZ-7677

For that AFAIK only remain the "Patch Management Using Gradle Targets" section 
in the Addressing Custom Requirements  wiki page

1) I'd like to know if people are still using the 4 targets, to create/apply/reapply/revert patches in the OOTB source code (ie framework, applications, specialpurpose)
And if they do, if they plan to migrate them to Gradle (the 
/framework/resources/templates/build.xml has been removed)

2) In my experience they are useful as long as you live only in a dev environment but once you are moving to production across several areas (like test, qa, pre-prod, production) they are less useful. You then need something which allows you to place different patches depending on those areas. So I'd not be against not replacing them using Gradle and drop the related documentation section. Initially when I stumbled upon the problem of different patches for different areas I created and implemented OFBIZ-5819 (also documented in the "Patch Management Using Gradle Targets" section, more info at [4])

When we migrated to Gradle, Taher did most of the work[1] and was reluctant to 
migrate this part[2]. Having wrote it, I can understand.
I have not looked into details yet, maybe it's easier now that we use this Gradle svn plugin[3] where we have SvnCreatePatch <https://github.com/martoe/gradle-svntools-plugin/blob/master/docs/SvnCreatePatch.md> and SvnApplyPatch <https://github.com/martoe/gradle-svntools-plugin/blob/master/docs/SvnApplyPatch.md> But before diving into this task, as I don't need it at the moment, I'd like to know if somebody else is interested. I believe nowadays most developers and teams are using Git branches for the same.

So I'd like a confirmation on how you are handling changes you do inside the OOTB code (framework, applications or plugins). Of course, I don't speak about poking inside the code, but putting changes apart to take care of the coming updates/upgrades...

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7534
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7962
[3] https://github.com/martoe/gradle-svntools-plugin
[4] http://markmail.org/message/vm4mefkgustubkvr


Also what is the status about the points below? It seems it's all OK, but I'd 
like a confirmation.

6. Investigate how to create a plugin repository with dependencies clearly 
defined, not only on external libraries but also other plugins!
7. Investigate and propose a methodology for maintaining plugins and versioning 
compatibility with OFBiz.
8. Investigate and propose a methodology for upgrading plugins within OFBiz



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