Mmm, I realise my last message is ambiguous.

I mean, should I start a vote?

Without any answers I'll assume it's a lazy consensus



Le 12/04/2017 à 08:24, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Without any reactions, and because I believe this is important I'll start a vote

If I get no attention at all, I'll consider this is a lazy consensus and will 
enforce this rule in the committers page in wiki



Le 14/03/2017 à 08:25, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
To sum up and as a kind of TL;DR, the question is <<should we "force" the committers 
to maintain the plugins?>>


Le 14/03/2017 à 08:17, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

In recent discussions I wrote

<<I believe committers need now to agree about checking out all plugins and maintaining them as we did before. This must be documented in our policies.>> in <<[DISCUSSION] Plugins: svn:external or Gradle Task?)>> thread

<<It seems to me that if a committer, committing something on the framework, breaks a plugins s/he is also responsible of fixing the plugins issue.>> in <<[proposal] actions to take with plugins>> thread

but got no attention so far.

Beside the last pending technical aspects defined in the <<[DISCUSSION] Proposed Task List for Moving Forward with Gradle and the Trunk>>

6. Investigate how to create a plugin repository with dependencies clearly 
defined, not only on external libraries but also other plugins!
7. Investigate and propose a methodology for maintaining plugins and versioning 
compatibility with OFBiz.
8. Investigate and propose a methodology for upgrading plugins within OFBiz

I think we need to agree, not at a technical but political level, about how the 
plugins will be maintained, IMO not as second-class citizens!
This is a very important topic because with the trunk split it's already there 
and the plugins could suffer from the split.



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