>From the birt documentation page [1] : BIRT_VIEWER_SCRIPTLIB_DIR "Specifies
the default location to place Jar files used by the script engine. These
can be Jars used by script engine or jars containing event handlers written
in Java. These Jars are appended to the classpath. If this setting is left
blank the default value of webapp/scriptlib will be used."

So I'm not totally sure, but I think if we remove the variable then the
birt engine would still create a directory but using the default location
mentioned above. Maybe you can experiment by changing and/or removing the
variable from web.xml and observe if other directories are created
anywhere. I'm also not entirely sure how the jars are appended to the
classpath (given that OFBiz manages the classpath through Gradle), maybe
they mean at runtime by using a classloader or something like that? but if
it is compile time, then I think OFBiz would take care of it by placing the
jars in any lib directory.


[1] http://www.eclipse.org/birt/documentation/integrating/viewer-usage.php

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 7:44 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Does someone knows if this is really useful? (in birt web.xml)
>     <!--
>         Directory where to store all the birt report script libraries
> (JARs).
>         Defaults to ${birt home}/scriptlib
>     -->
>     <context-param>
> <param-name>BIRT_VIEWER_SCRIPTLIB_DIR</param-name>
> <param-value>${ofbiz.home}/plugins/birt/lib/scriptlib</param-value>
>     </context-param>
> I found it as an empty folder in my machine, I don't see it used at all in
> source.
> I believe it was previously used with the birt webapp I recently removed
> for licensing reason.
> But I'm unsure because a "/plugins/birt/lib/scriptlib" folder was
> generated on my machine today (using trunk HEAD)
> Thanks
> Jacques

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