This topic is very much linked to the previous thread that you started
earleri "Tomcat SSO" so they might as well be one topic. I think I answered
most stuff in that thread.

However, I would add that in my opinion, maybe it would be simpler if we
avoid implementing it in this fashion (ofbiz webapp + standard webapp) but
instead treat all of OFBiz as a single webapp by refactoring the catalina
container. Having two ways of doing the same thing is perhaps an added
complexity and more cognitive load on people for no added value that I can
think of. Unifying, on the other hand, would be a huge added value IMO.

My 2 cents .. and thank you for bringing up this discussion

On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 11:35 AM, James Yong <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am looking into allowing OFBiz to load standard web application where
> there is no controller.xml and the jar files residing in web-inf/lib folder.
> Proposing to add an attribute named 'type' to the 'webapp' tag at
> ofbiz-component.xml, i.e.
> <webapp name="myapp"
>         type="standard"  <--------------- new proposed attribute
>         title="Myapp"
>         server="myapp-server"
>         location="webapp/myapp"
>         mount-point="/myapp"/>
> This new attribute will help to differentiate standard web applications
> from those in OFBiz, and allows Catalina Container to load them accordingly.
> When type="standard", will load as standard web application.
> When type is empty, load according to OFBiz way.
> Any feedback is welcome.
> Regards,
> James Yong

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