

Le 07/05/2017 à 22:43, Nicola Mazzoni a écrit :
Hello everyone,
I'd like to ask you about an issue regarding
​ecommerce app​

We are monitoring our OFBiz ecommerce application with NewRelic and we
noticed that there are *lots* (8000 occurrences in 7 days) of this error:

*org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: Broken pipe (Write failed)*

This cause slowness and sometimes unreacheability of the site.

We are using OFBiz v13.07.03 with MariaDB  (fork of MySQL),with jvm memory
setting of 20Gb and the heap is always under 10Gb.

Do someone have an idea of what could be the cause of this issue and how we
can solve it?
Thank you in advance.

Nicola Mazzoni

Mp Style Srl
via Meucci, 37
41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
T 059/684916
M 347/9905529 <(347)%20990-5529>

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