
I agree, this matches my suggestions in [1].

[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/1cc84ded035247ec439199ae0694d699fe1bcffb5d067c3ae732a0e9@%3Cdev.ofbiz.apache.org%3E


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 21.06.17 um 12:37 schrieb Taher Alkhateeb:
Hello Everyone,

I am starting this thread because of the latest unexpected release thread
[1] due to a major bug introduced by Jacques Le Roux in [2].

We had multiple discussion with Jacques, one such discussion [3] was due to
a bad commit in which I made a recommendation to stop doing bulk commits
and focus instead on slowly refactoring code and Jacopo mentioned in the
same thread that before doing bulk try-with-resources to start a new thread
and discuss this issue.

We faced multiple quality issues from improper commits. One such issue was
with respect to improperly closing streams [4] in which both Jacopo and
myself asked Jacques to revert and get a better understanding of how
streams work. Other discussions occured around committing quickly without
testing and hence crashing the system in [5] and [6].

Jacques continues with his stream of commits [7] and we continue to witness
some negative consequences accordingly. I'm not even sure we caught all
problems yet.

I think avoiding improperly studied, rushed or bulk commits is important
because such commits are:
- Requireing a lot of time from reviewers
- Difficult to review
- Lowering code quality

It is therefore my recommendation to agree as a community on reducing such
commits and to ask Jacques and other committers to follow the
review-then-commit process for large / complex commits.


[1] https://s.apache.org/clpW
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-9410
[3] https://s.apache.org/8Wq3
[4] https://s.apache.org/DpvM
[5] https://s.apache.org/IN2U
[6] https://s.apache.org/c8GG
[7] r1798571 r1798566 r1798353 r1797792 r1797791 r1797790 r1797744 r1797743
r1797742 r1797373 r1797356 r1797222 r1797161 r1797160 r1797159 r1797158
r1797155 r1797097 r1797079 r1797074 r1789045 r1788065 r1787949 r1761047
r1761045 r1761023 r1759944 r1759088 r1759082 r1758951

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