It's a difficult subject because I'm sure Jacques realized some change with the clear aims to improve the framework with his knowledge. When your knowledge is completed by other commiter's remark you are on the crossway : * revert all your work to try to continue to sharing on the resolution to regenerate a better solution
* continue to improve an fix introduce bug with your mind evolution
The first way is reasonable but with the risk to freeze your initial motivation if the community aren't react
The second generate more noise and disturb but escape the freeze risk.
Finally I can't have a opinion, each have advantage and inconvenient, currently I experiment the extreme programming concept and I'm more disturb now ! So too much commit or more review, I feel that isn't the real problem particularity on trunk who it's acceptable to have some break days (warn: I'm not in favor) but more on the real aims to achieve, the reason to do that and sharing/understand why we are ready to waste some time on it.


Le 29/06/2017 à 10:43, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Review Than Commit should be used more often.
I also wish that Jacques, from now on, will to be less resistant to
requests to revert his commits: the act of reverting a commit is not a
shame on the author nor a punishment but instead it is a mechanism that
helps to keep the code clean while some code changes are under scrutiny or
discussion; it also helps to but time to discuss (community discussions
take time); the commit history will be also improved because, after the
community review, the commit will represent a fully reviewed feature rather
than having one initial (disputed) commit followed by one or more commits
to fix/improve the original one.



On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Taher Alkhateeb <> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am starting this thread because of the latest unexpected release thread
[1] due to a major bug introduced by Jacques Le Roux in [2].

We had multiple discussion with Jacques, one such discussion [3] was due to
a bad commit in which I made a recommendation to stop doing bulk commits
and focus instead on slowly refactoring code and Jacopo mentioned in the
same thread that before doing bulk try-with-resources to start a new thread
and discuss this issue.

We faced multiple quality issues from improper commits. One such issue was
with respect to improperly closing streams [4] in which both Jacopo and
myself asked Jacques to revert and get a better understanding of how
streams work. Other discussions occured around committing quickly without
testing and hence crashing the system in [5] and [6].

Jacques continues with his stream of commits [7] and we continue to witness
some negative consequences accordingly. I'm not even sure we caught all
problems yet.

I think avoiding improperly studied, rushed or bulk commits is important
because such commits are:
- Requireing a lot of time from reviewers
- Difficult to review
- Lowering code quality

It is therefore my recommendation to agree as a community on reducing such
commits and to ask Jacques and other committers to follow the
review-then-commit process for large / complex commits.


[7] r1798571 r1798566 r1798353 r1797792 r1797791 r1797790 r1797744 r1797743
r1797742 r1797373 r1797356 r1797222 r1797161 r1797160 r1797159 r1797158
r1797155 r1797097 r1797079 r1797074 r1789045 r1788065 r1787949 r1761047
r1761045 r1761023 r1759944 r1759088 r1759082 r1758951

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