Hi Gil and all,

Faced the same issues before. 

I had different environments like SIT, UAT and PROD requiring different 
There was also specific requirements to remove the source folders and zip the 
final files for deployment.

So I created a folder which has subfolders named after each different 
environment and contains the respective environment-specific properties e.g.
- deployment
    - SIT
        - db.properties
    - UAT
        - db.properties

Also created a set of template files that contained placeholders to be replaced 
during deployment
- templates
    - entity-engine.xml

Finally there is a custom Ant target for deployment to each environment that 
1) build OFBiz and copy the required files (leaving out the source folders) 
into a build folder; 
2) read the template files and replace the placeholders with the right 
environment properties before copy to the correct location in the build folder; 
3) zip the contents of the build folder and append a timestamp.

Having said all these, your approach is convention over configuration, and 
keeps the environment properties separate from the OFBiz folder. So 
from me.

James Yong

On 2017-07-05 23:36 (+0800), gil portenseigne <gil.portensei...@nereide.fr> 
> Hello all,
> Working with different hosting companies, we used to have issues when 
> deploying OFBiz concerning technical configuration of the different 
> environments.
> We are writing this mail to get feedback from the community and 
> eventually propose to improve OFBiz on this matter.
> For a customer, we are working with 4 instances of a release 13.07 
> OFBiz, and are currently using a set of patches (with addonmanager...) 
> to manage environment specific configurations.
> During each production deployment, the hosting company receive from our 
> jenkins a precompiled archive containing OFBiz codebase, and then apply 
> the set of patches to configure it to the environment needs, recompile 
> and relaunch...
> This way of doing can cause issue when patch could not apply, after a 
> codebase modification (pretty rare but it happens).
> We are not satisfied with this way of doing, we are currently thinking 
> about using environment variables to configure technical environment 
> properties (those are on the hosting company responsibility), and to 
> keep functional specifics into the code base.
> If you have some experience or advice in this matter, you are welcome.
> For our case, we currently have enhanced OFBiz to be able to get 
> environment variable from the operating system within property file and 
> some other configuration files (with default value if not set).
> Examples :
> *In Property file :
> password=${env:ONE_CONF:ofbiz} -> environment variable ONE_CONF or ofbiz 
> if unset
> other_config=${env:OTHER_CONF:${partyId}} -> environment variable 
> OTHER_CONF or ${partyId} if unset
> *In entityengine.xml :
> jdbc-uri="${env:DB_POSTGRES_URI:jdbc:mysql://}"
> jdbc-username="${env:DB_POSTGRES_USER:ofbiz}"
> jdbc-password="${env:DB_POSTGRES_PWD:ofbiz}"/>
> That allow us to keep functional parameters stored within git branches. 
> Our jenkins now is able to build our 4 configured and compiled instances 
> and deliver it to the hosting company, that just have to set/check 
> environment variable (database access, activeMQ, log location, instance 
> id, etc.) before starting OFBiz app. Now we cannot have configuration 
> failure during deployment.
> We will be glad to contribute it, if it's the good way to go !
> Best Regards !
> Gil Portenseigne

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