Hi Michael

On 05/07/2017 17:56, Michael Brohl wrote:
Hi Gil,

we have similar challenges and modified OFBiz to deal with it easily. We offered to contribute this long time ago (2008) but it was decided against [1]. It was suggested to use patches instead but I think it's too complicated to manage several patch sets for different environments.
Addonmanager was good to manage a set of patches, but i'm glad we found another solution to make environment configuration more stable and efficient.

We now use a staged configure mechanism which uses a base build file, auto detected machine name and provided parameters to decide which configurations should be pulled for the environment. It's currently Ant based and therefore does not fit into the current build mechanism (on the todo list).

I like your approach also and I think it should be evaluated and discussed.
Thanks, we'll be introducing it soon :)
Thanks !

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