Hi all,

For those who wanted to evaluate JSF further, I have done a simple POC with 
patch available at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-9469.

Best Regards,
James Yong

On 2017/07/05 15:03:49, "James Yong"<jamesy...@apache.org> wrote: 
> Hi Michael,
> I agreed it will be going too far if we adopt JSF.
> Maybe better value to spend on improving what OFBiz already have.
> Regards,
> James Yong
> On 2017/07/04 14:57:33, Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de> wrote: 
> > Hi James,
> > 
> > thanks for your suggestions.
> > 
> > As far as I know, JSF would introduce some new technologies because it 
> > relies on beans and JSP's (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm not sure if we 
> > want to go so far.
> > 
> > I digged a little deeper into the UI stuff, templates and theming and 
> > have to correct my summary a bit: I mentioned AngularJS and Bootstrap on 
> > the same level which is like comparing apples and oranges. AngularJS is 
> > a client-side JavaScript framework to build single page applications, 
> > icluding his own model-view-controller mechanism while Bootsrap is a CSS 
> > framework which provides comprehensive UI elements in a structured way.
> > 
> > I guess that the use of Angular would need a whole lot more changes in 
> > OFBiz than the use of Bootstrap.
> > 
> > So I tend to think that we have to agree on a CSS framework like 
> > Bootstrap and rewrite the UI to use the proper CSS classes for this 
> > framework. That would possibly reduce the complexity and makes this 
> > statement of mine obsolete:
> > 
> >  > - we will need a new approach to be able to "plug in" different UI 
> > frameworks. We'll need a UI layer who represents the screen contents in 
> > an abstracted way (possbly an enhanced Freemarker macro library) and 
> > make it possible to generate HTML code with the right css attributes for 
> > the target library.
> > 
> > It's maybe too ambitious wanting OFBiz to be able to be used with 
> > different frameworks. The Bootstrap CSS world is well documented [1] and 
> > there are a lot of really good looking and functional free templates out 
> > there. So if we provide the UI code for it, together with one basic 
> > theme, users can put their own themes on top of it.
> > 
> > Maybe this is a way to come to a competitive UI in a relative short 
> > amount of time. I don't think that we can afford to make this a 
> > year-long project.
> > 
> > What do others think?
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > 
> > Michael Brohl
> > ecomify GmbH
> > www.ecomify.de
> > 
> > [1] https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_ref_all_classes.asp
> > 
> > 
> > Am 03.07.17 um 15:00 schrieb James Yong:
> > > Hi Michael and all,
> > >
> > > We can look into JSF 2.2 as a possible candidate. It is similar to OFBiz 
> > > Widget and seems to fit the new requirements described so far in this 
> > > thread.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > James Yong
> > >
> > > On 2017-07-03 17:42 (+0800), Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de> 
> > > wrote:
> > >> Hi Sharan,
> > >>
> > >> thanks for the reminder.
> > >>
> > >> It's fine to have another theme to choose for the "old" UI, I just want
> > >> to point out that (in my mind) the new theme/UI initiative goes far
> > >> beyond having just another theme on base of the current technological 
> > >> stack:
> > >>
> > >> - new themes should be responsive
> > >>
> > >> - we should be able to use different UI frameworks like Bootstrap and
> > >> AngularJS who take care of responsiveness and browser compatibility
> > >>
> > >> - it must be easy for developers to write the screen structure and also
> > >> easy for webdesigners to build a good design on base of this
> > >>
> > >> - developers should not care about CSS styles and classes, and
> > >> webdesigners should not cara about how the screen snippets are put
> > >> together or how the screens get their data.
> > >>
> > >> - we will need a new approach to be able to "plug in" different UI
> > >> frameworks. We'll need a UI layer who represents the screen contents in
> > >> an abstracted way (possbly an enhanced Freemarker macro library) and
> > >> make it possible to generate HTML code with the right css attributes for
> > >> the target library.
> > >>
> > >> - a rewrite of the screens will be necessary to make the UI less
> > >> cluttered and overloaded. This will require some concepts/design work
> > >> beforehand
> > >>
> > >> - there are surely many other possible requirements (I am not a UX or
> > >> web design expert)
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> I appreciate the contribution of the new theme. I am also sure that this
> > >> will not solve the challenge to drive OFBiz to another level, UI wise.
> > >>
> > >> Thanks and regards,
> > >>
> > >> Michael Brohl
> > >> ecomify GmbH
> > >> www.ecomify.de
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Am 03.07.17 um 10:52 schrieb Sharan Foga:
> > >>> Hi All
> > >>>
> > >>> Don't forget that we also had the offer of a theme from Provolve and
> > >>> Stannah.
> > >>>
> > >>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6985
> > >>>
> > >>> This is a theme that they are using at the moment (so it working) and
> > >>> have said it could be contributed back to the project. If it's only a
> > >>> case of having someone volunteer to implement it into the trunk then
> > >>> this could be a way to get a nice theme up and running quickly for us.
> > >>>
> > >>> Thanks
> > >>> Sharan
> > >>>
> > >>> On 03/07/17 10:29, Michael Brohl wrote:
> > >>>> Thanks Nicolas,
> > >>>>
> > >>>> is there anything, even work in progress, you are able to share at
> > >>>> the moment?
> > >>>>
> > >>>> This way other could chime in and help moving further.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Thanks,
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Michael Brohl
> > >>>> ecomify GmbH
> > >>>> www.ecomify.de
> > >>>>
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Am 03.07.17 um 09:26 schrieb Nicolas Malin:
> > >>>>> Hi Michael
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> Le 02/07/2017 à 20:42, Michael Brohl a écrit :
> > >>>>>> Hi Julien, all,
> > >>>>>>
> > >>>>>> I'd like to resurrect this discussion and the activities to improve
> > >>>>>> the OFBiz user interface. I think we really should put some focused
> > >>>>>> effort on it if we want OFBiz to be recognized as a modern ERP.
> > >>>>>> Also, if we imporve the UI, more users and also developers will be
> > >>>>>> attracted which will be a win for the community and further
> > >>>>>> development of OFBiz.
> > >>>>>>
> > >>>>>> Nicolas and others who have started work on this: can you give us
> > >>>>>> an update about the efforts undertaken and where we stand?
> > >>>>> Currently I block on the comon-theme with a good information
> > >>>>> propagation. My next step will be create a dedicate object as
> > >>>>> referent on widget context, but my works has been disturb with the
> > >>>>> framework separation and the git-svn link break.
> > >>>>> Instead of continue, I help some people to work on the groovy
> > >>>>> mini-lang conversion. I plan to improve a few the groovy DSL and
> > >>>>> after I continue the work on commont-theme.
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> Nicolas
> > >>>>
> > >>
> > >>
> > 
> > 
> > 

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