+1, BFost :)



On 1/15/13 10:24 PM, "Brian Foster" <holeno...@me.com> wrote:

>hey michael,
>System.getenv() didn't exist in jdk 1.4 when the code was initially
>written and System.getenv(String) was deprecated in jdk 1.4... i believe
>it was rewritten and undeprecated in jdk 1.5 and System.getenv() was
>added... so ya it probably should be using System.getenv()... a patch
>with several unit-tests would be welcomed as far as i'm concerned...
>On Jan 15, 2013, at 10:58 AM, Starch, Michael D (388L) wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Why does the OODT Commons code for reading environment variables run
>>the command line utility "env" instead of calling
>> We are running into transient problems in our version where environment
>>variables are sometimes being set to null.  I am wondering if this is a
>>problem with the added complexity of running env over and over again
>>getting env variables, instead of using the built in java mechanisms for
>>getting this info.
>> -Michael

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