Hey Lewis,

I know that may have come across like a gripe at you, it certainly wasn't, just a general moan about the state of the test suite :)

I certainly like anything that feeds back to users regarding commits either blame emails, jira comments, flashing red hazard lights, you know the usual :)

Hopefully now I have a few weeks of hacking time until baby number 2 (then I may have even more if it keeps me awake all night ;) ), I know you've put a lot of effort into the f******g tests and I don't know what state of repair they are in, but if I can help out with getting them running let me know.



On 18/07/14 12:46, Lewis John Mcgibbney wrote:
Hi Tom,
To be honest I've no idea when filemgr (or more generally OODT) tests
broke... it's been a good while now and we keep the last 50 builds so the
exact date is most likely deep into the event horizonby now.
Anyway's, I agree with your comments. It is only fair for us to keep the
codebase _stable_. Unstable commits should most likely be reverted ASAP.
What I like about OODT though is that review board is heavily in use.
I should also mention that we *may* wish to set up a pre-commit test
configuration where a bot will take our patch on Jira and run a build on
Jenkins then post a comment to the Jenkins issue telling us whether the
patch meets certain criteria, etc. If you want to do this then I can maybe
look into it.
Apart from that I am still butchering the filemgr tests little by little
and will have a review board up soon. I also may get hit by a bus soon, or
get sucked down the plug hole in my hotel room bath. ;)

On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 3:53 AM, Tom Barber(Alabs) <t...@analytical-labs.com>

Shifted some development wishes from private@ to dev@ for Chris ;)

Na I'm only messing, but I do think more care should be taken with commits
vs the test suite because I would like to do the Tika upgrade, fix the
database dialects etc, but I only feel comfortable hacking around with that
stuff if we know the tests work because I don't know enough about the
feature set of the components that I've not used and as such rely on the
tests to tell me what I've borked or not.

Equally should I break a test I'd expect my commits to be reverted and I'd
be asked to fix them before recommitting instead of just putting up with
broken tests.

Lets make it so! ;)


*Tom Barber* | Technical Director

meteorite bi
*T:* +44 20 8133 3730
*W:* www.meteorite.bi | *Skype:* meteorite.consulting
*A:* Surrey Technology Centre, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, GU2 7YG, UK

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