Great catch!

I would vote to just switch it to OpenJDK yay….


On 11/8/17, 11:33 AM, "Sean Kelly" <> wrote:

    Hi folks:
    I'm playing more and more with Docker and happily discovered that 
    there's already an OODT presence on the Docker Store [1].
    So I pulled the oodt-node image [2] and looked inside ("docker history 
    --no-trunc") and saw that one of the steps performed is:
    /bin/sh -c wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: 
    oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"     -O 
    What stands out is the cookie.
    My fear is that using this image effectively makes the user accept 
    Oracle's license agreement for Java but in no way notifies the user this 
    is happening.
    Could we at least update the page at [1] to warn users, similar to the 
    way this unofficial Java 8 image does it [3]? Or even better, try OpenJDK?
    Sean Kelly
    Member, Apache Software Foundation

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