Looks great Luca! Thanks!


Cinquini, Luca (398G) wrote:
Hi Sean,
here it is:


Maybe I should mention that these images were created as part of a
project to run OODT in a scalable architecture on the Cloud… We never
really meant to generate a completely generic Docker version of the full
OODT distribution. For example, the FM is always built with the Solr
back-end. There was no attempt of generality here, rather we wanted to
build a specific architecture that could be reused across NASA missions.

thanks, L

On Nov 9, 2017, at 8:43 AM, Sean Kelly <ke...@apache.org
<mailto:ke...@apache.org>> wrote:

Thanks, Luca.

For the short term, please go ahead and add the warning like on [1]
that using the image = agreeing to Oracle's license.

Another issue that we should address is the size of the image:

alpine latest 76da55c8019d 8 weeks ago 3.97MB
nutjob4life/catpics latest de30a9f84796 6 weeks ago 57.4MB
lwieske/java-8 jdk-8u131-slim 326f0b00e419 4 months ago 164MB
python 2.7-slim 451c85955bc2 3 months ago 182MB
plone latest e9918460c2e8 9 months ago 424MB
oodthub/oodt-node latest cac1bf988d5d 3 months ago 1.38GB

1.38 *giga* bytes! I'm going to wager you're not using a multi-stage
build here because that's enormous. Once you commit the Dockerfile we
can work together to see if we can trim it down a bit.

Take care

Cinquini, Luca (398G) <mailto:luca.cinqu...@jpl.nasa.gov>
2017-11-8 at 1.41 p
Hi Sean,
I am afraid I am responsible for creating those images :)…

Chris asked me already to move them to the official Apache repo,
which is on my list of things to do.
In the past, openJDK gave me problem when using some advanced SSL
features, like certificate authentication - not sure if that is the
case any more.
I think we could start with your proposal [1] and then possibly
implement [3].

BTW all these images are based on OODT-1.0, and contain only a few
core services (File Manager, Workflow Manager, Crawler).

thanks, Luca

Chris Mattmann <mailto:mattm...@apache.org>
2017-11-8 at 1.34 p
Great catch!

I would vote to just switch it to OpenJDK yay….


On 11/8/17, 11:33 AM, "Sean Kelly" <ke...@apache.org
<mailto:ke...@apache.org>> wrote:

Hi folks:

I'm playing more and more with Docker and happily discovered that
there's already an OODT presence on the Docker Store [1].

So I pulled the oodt-node image [2] and looked inside ("docker history
--no-trunc") and saw that one of the steps performed is:

/bin/sh -c wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:
oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" -O

What stands out is the cookie.

My fear is that using this image effectively makes the user accept
Oracle's license agreement for Java but in no way notifies the user this
is happening.

Could we at least update the page at [1] to warn users, similar to the
way this unofficial Java 8 image does it [3]? Or even better, try


[1] https://store.docker.com/profiles/oodthub
[2] https://store.docker.com/community/images/oodthub/oodt-node
[3] https://store.docker.com/community/images/lwieske/java-8

Sean Kelly
Member, Apache Software Foundation

Sean Kelly <mailto:ke...@apache.org>
2017-11-8 at 1.33 p
Hi folks:

I'm playing more and more with Docker and happily discovered that
there's already an OODT presence on the Docker Store [1].

So I pulled the oodt-node image [2] and looked inside ("docker
history --no-trunc") and saw that one of the steps performed is:

/bin/sh -c wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:
oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" -O /tmp/jdk-8-linux-x64.rpm

What stands out is the cookie.

My fear is that using this image effectively makes the user accept
Oracle's license agreement for Java but in no way notifies the user
this is happening.

Could we at least update the page at [1] to warn users, similar to
the way this unofficial Java 8 image does it [3]? Or even better, try



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