Hi All,

Recently we had an interesting discussion
[1] on making OODT easy to use out of the box through containerization. As
a summary I suggest following steps to move on.

1. Implement ability to build component wise docker images. Tom's idea was
to add a docker build profile to RADIX build. I think this will be a good
starting point.

2. Add easy deployment capability through docker-compose
<https://docs.docker.com/compose/> and kubernetes. We can keep kubernetes
for later depending on the effort we can put. This will provide any new
comer to run a working example of OODT with a single command. A big plus
point from new comers' point of view.

3. Since we have distributed configuration management
[2] already implemented, may be we don't need to put any burden of building
docker images to users. Instead, they can simply start a generic OODT
deployment (say using docker compose) and publish custom configuration
(properties, policies, etc) to those running components. However, need to
discuss further on this.

What do you think? Comments?

New contributors are also welcome to participate in this discussion (and of
course to contribute ;-) )



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