Hi All,

Over the past 3-4 months, Yasith and Gimhana, our two GSoC students did a
tremendous job on their projects.

   - A React based new UI for OPSUI - Gimhana [1]
   - Dockerizing OODT components and simplifying OODT deployment - Yasith

Both projects are completed implementation point of view. There are few PRs
that still require to be merged. Once that is done, we will need to do some
fine tuning based on community feedback.

I'd like to thank our 2 GSoC students for their amazing contributions in
the last few months. We hope that you will help OODT (and ASF) to improve
in the future as well.

[2] https://about.yasithmilinda.me/open-source.html


PS: A special thanks to Yasith for continuing to contribute while not being
able to receive the GSoC stipend. And Gimhana for the additional work done
to get OODT REST APIs to be usable.


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