Thank you, Timur. I will try to send FIR request.

2013/2/25 Тимур Тлеукенов <>:
> Hello!
> As I understand nalType=5 means we received IDR picture (Intra-frame or
> Keyframe), nalType=1 - non-IDR picture.
> In fact I receive from SIP only non-IDR and both SPS and PPS.
> I was found this: "If no infra frames are received for 5 seconds, then we
> send a fast-intra-update (FIR) request to the SIP/RTP side, so that it
> triggers the SIP phone to send an intra frame."
> So, I guess we should add FIR request.
> 2013/2/25 Artyom Horuzhenko <>
>> Hello everybody!
>> I try to implement rtp to rtmp video convertation and I use this article:
>> and this code:
>> You can see that the data are sended when nalType=5, but in my case I
>> never receive nalType=5. I receive only nalType=1, 6, 7 and 8. I there
>> anybody who can comment this situation?
> --
> Timur Tleukenov

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