Hi all,
This is regarding the JIRA [1] created for one of the GSoC 2013 project
ideas. And I am moving the discussion regarding $subject at [1] to open
meeting dev list.

Just a small brief of my self to the mailing list: I am Dishara Wijewardana
who is interested in contributing to Apache projects and I have
successfully completed my last year GSoC (2012) in Apache Velocity project
and there I implemented a complete JSR 223 API support for velocity. And
willing to take part in GSoC this year with Apache OpenMeetings.

Hi Irina,
It seems that what you basically mentioned on [1] are the fundamental facts
from iCalendar Specification which is related to recurrence events
implementation. But I will start looking in to the spec [2] to get a better
understanding and meanwhile will checkout the code and build it first of
all, and hopefully find a way in to the Open Meetings code base ;-). Will
post If I encounter any issues.

[1] - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-549
[2] - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt


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