
Now after 
rejected, i am going to do this task with more acceptable way.(Looks
like i done mistake in understanding target of task in beginning). At least
in process of developing proposal i was learned many things about

Looks like correct way to do this task are configuring red5 server. Are its
fine target? I am glad to receive any suggestions about that.

Also i planning to become more familiar with openmeetings source code, it
is be wonderful if someone give me staring point(related with tunneling
task) to start exploring.

And again source text from GSOC-2012.
>- proper traffic tunnelling (images and screensharing now use 5080 port,
SIP applet likely uses > different ports as well, while anything should be
happy with 80 port);
> - performance: getting rid of Apache httpd to improve openmeetings
hosting performance
> (Apache eats tons os megabytes - proper jetty configuration can be done
as a part of
> tunelling task);

With best regards, Alexey.

2013/3/18 Denis Kandrov <dkand...@unipro.ru>

> Alexey,
> in Apache community to discuss issues is common to use the mailing lists.
> You are welcome to Apache Openmeetings community.
> Youpropose to use the yaws as a proxy server, which will perform tunneling
> traffic.
> As I understand yaws is distributed in most unix systems. In this case,
> there is no need to download the tarball and install any version is not
> clear yaws.
> A instruction for setting up and configure yaws and the necessary changes
> of config.xml will need.
> For apache2 web server I can give an existing solution, you just need
> enable the proxy module and add following lines toconfiguration file:
> ProxyPass /openmeetings 
> http://localhost:5080/**openmeetings<http://localhost:5080/openmeetings>
> ProxyPassReverse /openmeetings/ 
> http://localhost:5080/**openmeetings/<http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/>
> ProxyPass /open http://localhost:8088/open
> ProxyPassReverse /open http://localhost:8088/open
> ProxyPass /send http://localhost:8088/send
> ProxyPassReverse /send http://localhost:8088/send
> ProxyPass /idle http://localhost:8088/idle
> ProxyPassReverse /idle http://localhost:8088/idle
> ProxyPass /close http://localhost:8088/close
> ProxyPassReverse /close http://localhost:8088/close
> But in this solution there is overhead with wrapping rtmp traffic to http.
> For me, it is not clear what your solution is different from the above?
> Best regards,
> Denis Kandrov.

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