It would be interesting to compare the results of OpenNLP’s perceptron trained 
models, GIS trained models, and a vanilla CRF implementation (i.e. not 
specifically trained for a task).  We can make a better decision on if we 
should spend the effort to implement a CRF.  Every once in a while we see 
people ask “what can I do?”.  Maybe the answer should be… given an 
ObjectStream<Event> or DataIndexer, train a CRFModel that extends 
AbstractModel.  Your training class must extend AbstractEventTrainer and we 
serializable using AbstractModelWriter

Just my 2 cents.

On 2/7/17, 9:51 AM, "Damiano Porta" <> wrote:

    I have good results with perceptron, but +1 for CRF
    2017-02-07 15:42 GMT+01:00 Russ, Daniel (NIH/CIT) [E] <>:
    > Hi Jörn,
    >    I think the best entity recognition systems use CRF’s.  At some point
    > we might want to consider adding them.  As you know, ME classifiers suffer
    > from label bias problem (see Lafferty et. al<http://repository.upenn.
    > edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1162&context=cis_papers>.) CRF’s deal
    > with that issue.  I believe that perceptrons suffer from the same problem.
    > If you think the results are better, I have no problem.  I think that our
    > long-term goal should be to add a CRF, and make it the default for the
    > NameFinder.
    > Daniel
    > On 2/6/17, 12:40 PM, "Joern Kottmann" <> wrote:
    >     Hello all,
    >     I would like to propose to switch the default training algorithm from
    >     maxent gis to perceptron for the Name Finder. In all the data sets I
    >     tried perceptron performs better than maxent gis and I believe that
    >     would be a much more sensible default.
    >     A user can always override the default by providing the algorithms
    >     parameter for training.
    >     What do you think?
    >     Jörn

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