On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Maseeh Sabir <sabi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Maseeh Sabir and I am a recent graduate of Louisiana State
> University with a degree in computer science. Currently I am working with
> an Healthcare IT/Consulting company here in Louisana, US. I am a .Net
> developer and have experience in c# VB. Our software is heavily dependent
> on data from database engines. So I have lots of experience working with
> databases. I also have some experience in Java using eclipse and
> JDeveloper.

Hello Maseeh,

Thanks for asking about how you can volunteer with the Apache
OpenOffice project.   I am up in Massachusetts, near Boston.  But I
did enjoy a vacation in New Orleans a couple of years ago.   I don't
know how you survive the heat and humidity!  Of course, three feet of
snow is not for everyone either...

> I saw the link for volunteers. I am interested in helping with any area
> based on my skills. As a new developer, I believe this will help me learn
> new skills and improve my experience. Please let me know how can I get
> started

OpenOffice is mainly written in C++.  If you are interested in
developing skills in C++ this could be one way.  But it is not the
easiest introduction to the language.

I see you mention Java and Eclipse experience.  We use both in our
test automation framework.  This uses Java to write JUnit test cases
that exercise the GUI of OpenOffice,  We run the test suite in
Eclipse.   I don't think we have much test coverage for Base (the
database component in OpenOffice). So this could be one way of using a
combination of your current skills.

If you look at this page we list a bunch of different project where we
welcome volunteers:


Also, we've started some "new volunteer orientation modules" here:
(work in progress).

You sent your note to the our main dev list.  If you are interested in
discussing the QA test automation stuff, I'd recommend that you sign
up for our QA mailing list here:


> thanks

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