2012/11/13 Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>

> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 5:05 PM, RGB ES <rgb.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I agree as a general concept, but I think the possible uses of AOO are so
> > broad that it is quite difficult to identify definite tasks. For example,
> > writing a letter seems a quite different task from writing a book, but
> once
> > you learn how to use styles both tasks imply exactly the same actions
> from
> > the user: the only real change is in the "numbers" (more styles used,
> more
> > pages, more objects) but the "what do you need to do" is almost the same.
> > So if we write a task explaining how to write a letter, maybe a new user
> > that needs to write a thesis will skip that chapter, thinking it will not
> > help him/her because "it's too basic" while a task explaining how to
> write
> > a thesis will scare someone who just need to write a letter.
> >
> Well, I think we need the user to meet us half-way.  I wouldn't have a
> task on "writing a letter".  As you say, this is very broad.   But
> having a comprehensive chapter on lists in all its gory detail might
> be too broad as well.  It is purely conceptual and is the long way to
> a user with an immediate question .
> In the middle might be:
> -- How to number a list starting at something other than 1
> -- How to continue a list
> -- How to control bullet styles for nested lists.
> So my view of a "task" is much smaller.

A chapter with a collection of quick "cheat sheets" could be a good idea,
indeed: "to do 'this', follow 'these steps' and for more info see 'here'".


> In any case, this is not an either/or.  It is good to have the
> reference and conceptual material as well.  But easy-to-follow tasks
> (or think of them as "cookbook recipes") can help as well.

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