
On 01.11.30 02:19am, janI said:
> Thanks I did not know that LEFT JOIN and JOIN has different speeds on inodb
> tables. I made the fast fix, and split xmaint_uids into smaller tables, and
> is running now.
> BUT I am dead nervous of deleting wrong data !! so the review in general
> would be nice.
> I have also decided to post the user list here, to give people a chance to
> shout and get removed from the list. There are very little margin for
> errors on our database, and I would not like to cause problems (I think I
> already have used this years allowance).
> Thanks for your suggestions, I will implement a couple of your ideas before
> I release the final script.

    Thanks for this tremendous work here.  I'm still fighting with my
class and research project at 3:00am. ^^;

    This server is a virtual machine.  There is a limit to its CPU
power.  And Andrea's suggestion is right.  Join operations actually
creats a big n times m table first and then filter.  That sucks when n
and m are both large.

> Jan.
> On 29 November 2012 19:09, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 29/11/2012 janI wrote:
>>> ooo-wiki VM is so weak (compared to my notebook) that a lot of my
>>> "special"
>>> select/join statements timed out...and the just because I have a simple
>>> where clause "where user_id in (select user_id from wiki_maint_uids)"
>> I only had a quick look yesterday and I cannot check now, but there were
>> several possible speed improvements, including using a simple JOIN instead
>> if a LEFT JOIN and then discarding NULL matches, introducing a primary key
>> or an index in the wiki_maint_uids table and using update on joins instead
>> of subqueries. I didn't test any of these, and I didn't see the database,
>> so don't trust the lines above too much! They are just semi-random thoughts
>> based on the code I saw yesterday, and it could turn out that these changes
>> slow down the queries instead of improving them.
>> Regards,
>>   Andrea.

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