-------- Original Message  --------
From: Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 13:14:46 -0500

> This idea has come up on another thread, where we've been discussed
> the future of the documentation effort and a future call for
> volunteers.  We'd like a dedicated list for these efforts.
> Name:  d...@openoffice.apache.org   OR  d...@openoffice.apache.org  (I
> don't have a strong preference for the name)
> Moderators:  Please respond if you can volunteer as moderator.  We
> should aim for 2 or 3 geographically dispersed.
> I'll wait 72 hours, and if no objections we can ask Andrea to submit
> the form for the new list creation.
> Regards,
> -Rob

Hi Rob,

I am currently at UTC +1 if you want me to moderate the (long overdue)
documentation list. For reasons I might explain at another time,
moderation is all can contribute to the project for the time being.
Although I will try to mentor/guide any newcomers who want to work on
user documentation.


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