2012/12/18 Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>

> As we wait, patiently, for the new doc list to be created, it might be
> worth having a quick discussion about priorities.
> I know there has been talk about "getting started" guides, perhaps
> done on the wiki.
> Another idea I had was a very targeted version of that, thinking
> specifically of Microsoft Office users migrating to OpenOffice.  Would
> it be worth having a small guide just for them, say the "top 10"
> helpful hints for MS Office users, things they might find confusing at
> first.
> For example:
> 1) In Calc, the argument separator is a semi-colon, not a comma.
> 2) In Calc, toggling absolute address mode is done by a shift-F4, not an F4
> OK.  Maybe we end up more with 40 or 50 things like this.
> Would this be useful and worth trying?

+1. Page styles and outline numbering are two things MSoffice users do not
easily understand.


> -Rob

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