On 03/01/2013 Rob Weir wrote:

There's a nice variety of questions and good answers.

I suggest that in questions we feel free to spell "Apache OpenOffice" correctly, avoiding "Open Office" or "ApacheOpenOffice" or "OO" even if the question contains an incorrect spelling.

Answers 1 and 3 could probably be combined together. Or, as Ariel suggested, 3 could be worded in a more generic way, the answer is about collaboration in general.

Answer 4 can include a link to http://www.slideshare.net/pescetti/cloud-apache-openoffice-based-on-html5 (I merely uploaded it, load the page for proper credit) which had around 20,000 views so far.

Answer 5, as others wrote, could be completed with something like Drew mentioned... "allows minor (cosmetic) editing of PDF files and supports saving to a 'hybrid PDF format', i.e., a PDF file that also contains an editable copy of the document and that can be fully edited in OpenOffice".

Answer 6 ends in "let us know" but it's unclear to me how people should approach the project in this respect. Mailing lists? Social networks? Including the relevant link would clarify it.

There are a few additional questions that should still not remain unanswered, since even though they weren't the most voted they received quite a few votes and are important to users. Maybe we could add a simple list with short one-line answers? Like:

- Does Apache OpenOffice run on Windows 8? Yes. Windows 8 had not been released yet when we tested Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1, but no incompatibilities emerged so far.

- Is a portable version of OpenOffice available? Yes. It's called "X-ApacheOpenOffice", see http://www.openoffice.org/porting/

10. "Why is the "User Profile" causing so much trouble in migration
from older versions to 3.4.1?"

[ This is adapted from http://www.openoffice.org/development/releases/3.4.1.html#AOO3.4.1ReleaseNotes-KnownIssues ]

Apache OpenOffice 3.4.0 and 3.4.1 manage the user profile differently than previous versions. The user profile contains the user's customizations and installed extensions, and the new handling helps in making the OpenOffice startup faster and in reducing the amount of disk space it uses. The old user profile is not deleted when OpenOffice is upgraded: it is automatically converted so that users can keep their extensions and settings. In a minority of cases, especially with highly customized profiles (many extensions or customizations) the conversion doesn't succeed. Common symptoms are: frequent application crashes, problems with dictionaries or thesaurus, OpenOffice starting and crashing after a few seconds. To solve this, just reset/rename your user profile as explained in the official OpenOffice forum. http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12426

[ And by the way it probably takes ten minutes to write a .vbs file or equivalent that simply renames the "OpenOffice.org" profile folder into "OpenOffice.org.old" on Windows... If someone makes it available, we could include a link to it in the blog post and save a lot of time in user support ]


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