On Thu, 10 Jan 2013 08:11:32 -0500
Jan Heckler <jan.heck...@pcusa.org> wrote:

> Hi!  
> I am a missionary in Madagascar and my online anti-virus program (TrendMicro) 
> has all the sites your site sends me to to download your software as 
> unacceptably UNSAFE.  I went to order a CD and your site says it is studying 
> the possibility of doing this again.
> Please work out a safe download site with TrendMicro so they don't block your 
> downloads.  And, if there is a solution for me I don't see at prsent, please 
> so advise me.  Thanks in advance.
> Peace,
> Janice B. Heckler
> Mission Co-Worker
> Presbyterian Church (USA)
> Antananarivo, Madagascar

If you download from www.openoffice.org/download you will be routed to 
sourceforge who host our downloads.  If you check that you are downloading from 
such a site you can be reasonably certain that the warning from TrendMicro is a 
false positive.  You can verify the download by checking its MD5Sum as told at
You can obtain the MD5Sum from

Great care is taken with our download files that they do not become 
contaminated with virises or malware; from other sites not under or control 
they are often loaded with adware and other objectionable addons.  But from the 
above sites I feel sure you ought have no problems.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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