Doug Lee wrote:

Hi guys,
My name's Doug.I'm a first year computing student from Australia interested in 
getting involved in the Open Office project.
I've learnt how to program in C and SQL and a bit of Java and was hoping to use 
these skills or pick up new ones to contribute to the project.I love learning 
new things and I love helping and Open Office seems like I can do both.
I have to admit, I'm really not sure how you guys work but if someone is 
happy/willing to help me through maybe even the first step and show me how I 
can contribute, I'd really appreciate that. =)
Looking forward to working with you all!Doug                                    

Hi Doug;

Welcome to Apache OpenOffice. The best first step would be to go to our orientation page at: and follow the steps outlined there. The first 2 levels will give you a better understanding around how the project works. Then dive into level 3 which

  • Hi Doug Lee

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